May 20, 2,002
Mercy Hospital Joke

There are rumors that The Pope may resign because of medical reasons. It appears the Roman dead zone is having an effect. We have been asked what kind of Pope The Kingdom Of God wants. Well, to put it bluntly, They want a total lunatic, a Pope that will angrily speak out against those who are exposing corrupt priests, saying that these people have betrayed The Church by giving up its secrets. They want a Pope who will encourage Christians to seize Jerusalem and make it an international city. They want a Pope that will encourage a Palestinian state. Why, you ask? It's simple. They want a Pope so out of control that he will split The Catholic Church apart, tear it into many feuding fragments, and rise the world up against it.
The Kingdom Of God has nothing against individual Catholics, but They detest the burocracy and, The Priesthood that has virtually destroyed Christianity, and made it a shadow of what it should have been. They detest those who have taken man's traditions and declared that they are God's Will, and the only way They can bring this church down is to make its leaders so insane, so corrupt, that the world will rise up against them. They've done this before, over and over, in history. They may well do it again.

The Kingdom Of God's new dead zones in Iran are going very well. Abadan is already almost fully complete, and They're starting Shiraz today. It's really strange the Kuwaitis are one of the richest people in the world. They have a lot of power and influence, yet there is virtually nothing spiritual there, at all. The Kingdom Of God has drained off all their spiritual power in just a few days! There seems to be no one there to resist, no one there to try to call back the power. They simply let it go, seemingly not caring. There must be some good people there somewhere, but the only question is, where are they? What's happened to The Arab People? Why are they accepting eternal destruction so willingly? Some of them must be aware of what is happening, they have to be! Why are they so willingly choosing Eternal Death? <

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May 21, 2,002
You Don't Have To Die To Be Dead

The new dead zone is progressing very well. The Kingdom Of God does not seem to be concerned with finishing those in Iraq and Iran. It's the one in Massachusetts that's really taking Their full attention, and which They're building up to. And if anybody is wondering why they only have to read the news reports on what's happening with a certain priesthood based in Boston. Surprisingly two families led the campaign to make Massachusetts the east coast dead zone. One of those families has a long political history in that state, and the other has a long criminal history, but they both feel they have been betrayed and used. Saving the world makes strange alliances...very, very strange alliances!

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