An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

17-01-03 AJ

    Something cute happened last weekend.   When I was on my Facebook page Friday, Actor Derek Mears from "Friday The 13th" films who I have on my friends list because he met my Hollywood actress friend Lorielle New on the red carpet one time,  asked people to write something about him or his web site to win their special Friday the 13th contest.  I did this,  and I was shocked to learn Sunday afternoon that I won!  Whatever it will be I will get a prize in the mail with Derek's autograph.   I'm sure it will make a great collector's item.
   It's happened again!  We really wish people could mind their own business!  I got a little frustrated Monday while Gerald was visiting and started fussing.  Gerald got angry about it. There was a little shouting.  Gerald was trying to leave and three cops showed up. Two of them were keeping him out in the hall while another one was in the apartment trying to get me to claim that Gerald had attacked me.  I'm getting really sick of this garbage being in my face every time there's the slightest little thing and accusing my husband of doing things that he's not doing!  Whoever called the police had no business doing so.  It would've been another matter if they'd heard shouting and stuff and then saw me bruised and battered. That might be understandable.  But every once and a while a husband and wife are going to have a little disagreement. That's a natural part of a marital relationship.  I tend to fuss too much. It irritates Gerald. I've been doing better, I don't know why I got into it again Monday.  But people are not going to get along perfectly all the time, and people should understand that. 
    The incident with the idiot at the hospital was still uncalled for.  My husband gave me a little slap because I was ranting and wouldn't go in and see the doctor, which I promised him I would do. The police blew it all out of proportion.  The hospital guard was a total idiot!  He didn't even talk to me, he didn't even get a complaint from me and he accused my husband of assaulting me. He's a total moron! 
   Now, my husband can't even get decent housing because of the police department's lies, and we're getting really tired of their harassment.  These idiots want to prove a case that my husband is abusing me, which he's not doing. They're simply assholes!
    To  add insult to injury the police officer out in the hall was insinuating that Gerald was stealing my vacuum cleaner when it was one that one of the tenants had gotten especially for him.  This harassment is just gettin' totally out of hand! 
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes, For A Time,
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621