An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

11-01-03 AJ

    First of all today I'd like to speak about the fact that a local Staten Island lawmaker has introduced a bill that would put forth harsher penalties for cyberbullying after the tragic suicide as a result of bullying of fifteen year old Amanda Cummings who lived in that city.  This is a good thing, something that is severely needed to be passed.  It's such a shame that nothing had been done some time ago, that someone had to die first.  We pray this bill passes and the people who tormented this young lady will be severely punished for what they did. 
    I've been asked what I've got against men being superior.  I just think it's unfair. Men and women should have equal rights.  I really think my husband is superior, and one of the reasons is he's always trying to get me to do things for myself rather than depending on other people.  The counseling center I was going to told him I was retarded and beyond help.  He told them they were full of shit and taught me how to do things.  I think that should be how all men are.  Anyway, no matter who is superior we're a team!
    Have you ever noticed how people go to extremes?  One expert will tell you "Don't discipline your child," another will tell you to practice tough love?  Not that we disagree with tough love, sometimes it's the only solution.  But these people need to understand there needs to be a mix of things, not just one!  Sometimes a good parent has to be tender.  Other times they need to be hard as nails. The trick is knowing when to be which.  When we get the courier/protectors I hope I'll know.  I think I'm more scared of this idea than my husband!  And he's scared of virtually nothing. 
    I'm often asked what it's like to live with someone who's emotions are a program to make people around him feel more comfortable. Well, he's very good at that program.  So I hardly notice.  Other people do.  But I don't.  Anyway, as far as I'm concerned his tenderness is vastly superior to any other man's passion.  Of course I am extremely prejudice.
   Here's the links to some of my previous  messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes, For A Time,
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621