An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
God's Candidate For The First Lady Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

18-01-03 AJ

   Today I have to applaud Paula Deen, celebrity chef and star of The Food Network, for the way she handled her situation after learning she has Type 2 diabetes three years ago.  She has recently been questioned about this, by people who believe she hasn't talked about it to the public, and some even think she has been covering up her illness to protect her reputation.  She wanted to learn about the disease thoroughly before answering questions, which she has done.  She's now even starting a web site about diabetes, and is teaching among other things, everyone that has it should follow a balanced diet and how to choose your meals in moderation.  Great advice for everyone!  I wish her good luck in her efforts.
    It's very rare that we find ourselves agreeing with Sarah Palin, but her attacks on Andrew Sullivan, we would say, are totally justified.  Anyone that so attacks those opposing Obama does not have a foot in Reality.  We can't understand how anybody can still support Obama!  Makes no sense to us at all!  We are still asked "Is there no way we can help Palin and her daughter?"  No, but there's someone that is, but we would not exactly know how to obtain her services.  But unfortunately the anti abortionists have done their damage to Palin and her family, and not even God can help them!
    We also applaud today conservative radio host and Fox News reporter Laura Ingraham for bravely criticizing Romney on his tense debate performance Monday, saying he should've released his income tax return information to the public.  However she then praised Gingrich's debate performance.  Well, I guess though we don't like either candidate, it doesn't mean that at least one of them can't debate well, at one time or another.  Though these times seem to be very few and far between!
   Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes, For A Time
To Dwell InThe Holiest Of Los Angeles

(207) 812-1621