To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

     Below is tomorrow's email for the media.  It tells about how my husband Speaker Gerald Polley is doing now.  Though things aren't looking very good right now the good thoughts and support you could give us would certainly help.  He is still God's Independent candidate for the presidency of The United States in 2,012.

Speaker Linda Polley

An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
God's Candidate For The First Lady Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

13-06-03 AJ

     First of all a quick update on how my husband Speaker Gerald Polley is doing.  There's no change in his physical condition.  Today is his third chemotherapy treatment.  I will join him at the Cancer Center for this then go to the Rehab Center to stay with him a while afterwards as he requested.  It's going to be a very long day. Hope it will work.  We will find that out I believe after the fourth treatment which is in two weeks.  He'll have to have another scan.  Let us pray!  I just know he is miserable.  I wish there was some way I could help him.  He tells me sending out these emails is the best thing I could do.  So here's my latest.
    Onward to what's in the news   More creatures of Darkness activity in Sacramento, California.  A paroled gang member shot and killed a husband and wife and their male guest whose home he was trying to rob.  Their son shot and killed the robber.  At least they believe robbery was the motive for his crime.  He was also accused of shooting and critically wounding another person earlier in the day.  So glad he's gone. I bet he didn't last microseconds after leaving his body.
    A study says teen student drinkers are more likely to feel isolated and have poor grades. Why was there a study about this?  I, myself think it's obvious. 
     Greta Hawkins is a kindergarten teacher at PS 90 in Brooklyn, New York.  She is a woman of color.  She has banned the song "God Bless The USA" (Proud To Be An American) by Lee Greenwood from the graduation ceremony!  Five classes spent months learning the lyrics to this song anticipating to sing it at graduation.  Ms Hawkins said the reason she got rid of the song is because she didn't want to offend other cultures.  She's receiving hate mail because of this.  She is a Jehovah's Witness who's not allowed to say The Pledge Of Allegiance because of her religion.  However she will allow a Justin Bieber song "Baby" in place of the other one.  Parents of the students that will be in the June 20th commencement ceremony are calling and complaining.   Maybe the teacher meant well, but I for one think her decision is ridiculous.  I thought the article was going to say she did it because of the separation of church and state, but no.  I think most people like the Greenwood song, and understand that it's of no disrespect to other people from other countries and cultures.  Give us a break lady!   The poor little kids are now stuck with a teenage love song.  Probably at their age they don't even know who Justin Bieber is.  The lyrics don't sound very appropriate for kindergärtners to me.  I hope they convince the teacher to change her mind.
    There is an uproar over a poster at Hamilton Elementary School in Fresno, California which shows a drawing of Jesus and reads "I Want You To Kill All Infidels  meet me in Jerusalem, get a free ticket to Heaven."  The poster was drawn by a 7th  grade student, the result of a class project concerning  the crusades. The student was assigned to draw a wanted poster for soldiers of that time period.  They did a good job on it but I agree, I don't think it should remain displayed because some people wouldn't know the reason behind it and just be offended.  It would be better if they could put up a description beside it explaining why this drawing was made.  There were many other posters displayed along with this one concerning Joan Of Arc, The Black Death or The Magna Carta.  The students had to write a poem about one of these topics and draw a picture.  People should investigate the reason behind something before creating an uproar about it.
    Last but not least an item of weird news, which says a Canadian farmer who has had 250 cows die in ten years time is arrested for neglecting them and not feeding them.  The farmer claims aliens killed them with death rays.  He claims they've been covered up by the Canadian Mounted Police.  I don't think so. 
    Support The National Buyers' Strike!  Save America, and the world!
    Here's the links to some of our previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
That Is Now Resting In Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621