An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

04-12-02 AJ

    This is frustration time.  Here's the link to today's message.

  Didn't have a special one for Boehner, just too tapped out.  Just trying to keep going is a struggle.  Linda's health is still a problem.
    Talk about frustration!  We're having one of those times.  I'm running out of testing strips to check my sugar.  I went in to Linda's thinking I'd get some work done and go get some.  They won't give me any.  The prescription said once a day.  Then the doctor decided twice a day so I've got to get a different prescription before the pharmacy will give me any more strips.  Sometimes you could just scream!  Wouldn't do you any good. Well, actually it used to help me. Sometimes when I got really frustrated I'd drive out somewhere, walk into the middle of a field and just scream.  Seemed to help.  But the nonsense at times gets a little much, and you'd like it to stop, just for a while.  'Course you can't expect it to stop forever, no matter how much money we'd have, no matter how much support there would always be problems. That's the nature of what we do.  But the frustration sometimes is almost overbearing. 
    There's a three bedroom  apartment available down the street from Linda, pretty good location, $750 a month.  Might as well be a million!  I only have $350 after the bills are paid. So we're about $400 short. Of course God still wants us to head for Los Angeles. He has not given up on that idea!  There are others that want us to go directly to Washington.  However, I still think Los Angeles is best. 
    Got a bit of sad news yesterday.  We found out Dave Wilson is no longer on the air in Indianapolis.  Had a lot of fun with Dave and he brought us some much needed support at a time when things were really bad, support that we could not have done without.  Very few people can make me laugh, but Dave was one of 'em, and I am sure other people in his community miss those hours of enjoyment every afternoon. Certainly hope he finds work someplace else.  Such a talent as that should not go to waste.  I don't think he'd be interested in being the chairman of The FCC and help me break up the mega networks.  I don't think any company should own more than one station in a broadcast area. They should not buy up almost all the stations in a city.  There should be competition.  Some people would disagree with me on that, but that's their right.  I'll express my opinion.  Anyway, best wishes, Dave!  Good luck! 
    Here's the latest chapter in my fiction story.  Hope everyone is enjoying it as much as The Afterlife is!

    Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America and, the world!  Give Obama a headache!
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes For A Time
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621