An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

10-12-02 AJ

     God still trying to push His good deeds, trying to reach the CEO of Visa.  Here's the link.

     Got some unhappy Hillary supporters.  Here's our reply.  They're going to be a lot unhappier!

     There is so much going on we're having a hard time covering it all!  Somebody asked if the extra terrestrials interfered with the drone over Iran.  We got a real laugh over that one!  Everybody blames the extra terrestrials for everything when they very rarely do anything.  No, what happened to the drone was caused by something much closer to home.  As Mr. Scott said in "Star Trek", "The more complicated you make the plumbing the easier it is to plug up the drain!"  There's people out there that are really good at plugging up the drain when they don't like what the government's doing.  Sometimes we just love settin' back and watching them do their thing.  Takes a lot of pressure off us when we don't have to do anything and other people do it for us.  Saves a lot of power for other things.  If we'd have done it there wouldn't be a drone flying right now.  They'd all be useless.  Actually we want them killing off The Taliban and Al Quaida so we wouldn't interfere.  However, that's not saying we'd interfere with anybody else that doesn't want them flying.  Sooner or later the technology's going to be made useless.  Anything that relies on two way communications at a distance sooner or later somebody can learn to jam.  It's only a matter of time!   It's just like your stealth aircraft. The Chinese are making it public that they have them because they know full well they can now be tracked, and the technology is becoming obsolete.  That's the thing with technology.  Sooner or later somebody's going to develop a counter technology, somebody's going to develop a superior technology.  That's the name of the technology game. 
    We won in the Pacific because our radar could see five miles further than The Japanese.  That tiny edge won us battle after battle.  It's a secret that's been kept for years.  Technology is vulnerable, depending on it is dangerous, very dangerous.  That's why I wouldn't. I'd always have back up plans, other ways of doing things, just to be on the safe side!
    Here's the next chapter of our fiction story.

    Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!   Save America and the world! 
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes To Dwell, For A Time,
In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621