An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

22-07-02 AJ

    Some people can't believe the report I gave on the prison incident.  I have to admit, I have a hard time believing that one myself!  That was just pure dumb luck! I seem to have an awful lot of that sometimes. I could use a little right now.  My mother used to say "Why do these things always happen to you?" and I would answer "I just go out the door, mother. I don't go looking for it, it comes to me!"  It was kind of fun having the run of the prison when I worked in the library because I got to talk to people that nobody else had access to, some of them pretty interesting!  You never know who you're gonna meet in prison, college professors, doctors, lawyers, undertakers, all kinds of people, ministers, and everybody had a story!  Here's the link to today's message.

    Also sent one to the Syrians.  Nothing will come of it, so there's no sense publishing it. They didn't want me to anyway.  But we're still reaching out to people and we know our messages are gettin' through, because things are happening.  Just wish we could reach The Tea Party!  If they don't wise up a little bit we're gonna lose this election.  They mean well, but they're cutting the wrong things.  
    Sometimes you are so sadly disappointed!   A rather obnoxious individual called Linda and asked to be removed from our mailing list.  He called God's work crap, and said everyone in his organization was offended by it and did not want to receive any more emails.  Well, as we were only sending to one person we don't know how everyone could be so offended.  But the new leader of The Islamic Paradise, Gadhafi's son, ordered all members of this organization banned from Paradise forever.  Not only that, when some of their relatives in Paradise complained, he threw all of them out, everyone that had any connection with this organization whatsoever!  These people objected to the message about what happened to Caylee and called it insulting and sickening!  And Caylee is beloved by The Islamic People in Paradise.  So their reaction to these people is very bitter.  We can't understand why people are so blind, why they believe any falsity yet are totally repelled by the truth.  But these people have paid the price.  Not only have they caused the destruction of themselves, but they have probably caused the destruction of their loved ones!  I think if this individual hadn't been so obnoxious on the phone the punishment would've been far less.  But The Islamic People in The Afterlife did not like what they heard.  Here's his information. 

    "Please rmove us from the mailing list. Please remove everyone with the followiing domain Example and so on.

Please treat this as urgent.


  Here's the links to some of my recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 812-1621