An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

18-11-02 AJ

     Now, we're really going to it this morning!  God The Mother sent a message to Boehner. She wants him to help her reward the Occupy Wall Street people in New York.  Here's the link.

    I, also, had quite a bit to say about the brutality of the pigs in Seattle.  And I can call them nothing else.  Anyone that can engage in such brutality against peaceful protesters, simply because they will not move has no right to be a police officer.  Here's the link.

    Now, by odd circumstances I find myself defending The Pope and agreeing with The Vatican, completely!  It seems this totally obnoxious advertising agency used fake photos of him kissing a man in their advertising.  The pictures have been withdrawn but they're still all over the internet.  However, there are other offensive pictures, one of Obama being intimate with the president of China.  I can't imagine myself speaking against anything done against Obama, but I have to condemn this with every bit of venom I have.  This is totally and completely unacceptable!  Anything real we would not object to.  But this company specializes in shock advertising humiliating decent people to sell their products.  And I will tell them something clearly and distinctly. When I become president if they do anything like this to me or, my wife, I will crucify them!  I will put them out of business!  I will make their lives absolutely miserable!  I won't forgive, I won't forget.  Every time I can pound them into the ground I will. This is totally and completely inappropriate!  And surely somebody will cry "Free speech!"   Male cow manure!  This isn't free speech, it's degrading, insulting slander!  No matter how much I believe the pope is having homosexual affairs I will not use false images.  No matter how much I believe Obama is a homosexual I will not use false images.  We will use the truth.  But we will not humiliate people, it's not our way.  And anybody that does better be very, very careful!  Because if they mess with me they'll find out what hell is!  Anybody can disagree with me.  I will shed my blood for that right.  But I will not let people humiliate me, I will not let people insult me.  If this garbage thinks they can in the name of free speech, as I'm fond of saying, they'll find out what hell is!  Because they'll make me mad!  There's not too many people dumb enough to do that, but there are a few!  So express your opinions.  Promote your issues.  But never, ever, think I'm somebody that you can humiliate!  You'll find out what a mistake that is real fast!   And before somebody else says it, no, I can't take a joke!  I have no sense of humor!
    Here's the link to the third chapter in our little fiction story for John Lennon.  Everybody was in a panic begging us for it!

      Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America, and, the world!  Go to McDonald's, not The Ritz!
     Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes To Dwell
In The Holiest Of Los Angeles For A While

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621