An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

11-11-02 AJ

     Ow!  God's really encouraging The Republicans to go after The Democrats and turn their apparent victory in Ohio to a defeat.  Here's the link to his message to Boehner.  It's also to the veterans.

    Had quite a bit to say in my message, too.  Unfortunately there's some things we can't do even when we have the power to do them.  I guess that's something everybody has to deal with from time to time!  Here's the link.

    As we say, we praise the veterans on Veterans Day, all those who honorably served their country, even the homosexuals who served quietly. 
    Here's a link to my Veterans Day speech from the last presidential campaign.  Still get compliments on it!  Wish we could've done more with it.  But I don't think much has changed.  It's in four parts.

   Here we go again!  The world's supposed to end tomorrow, 11-11-11!  Will these people please shut up? I am so sick of this crap!  People trying to enrich themselves by scaring everybody.  Said it before and will say it again, IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!!  Please stop supporting these rip offs and denying God by buying their false prophecies.  God is the one that will protect you, not them!  Doing a pretty good job of it thus far.  His defeat of the anti abortionists in Mississippi, thanks to The Democrats in Ohio, has been a major blow to The Catholic Church.  Just one of many more coming.  We mustn't forget, with all else, God has stated clearly that He will bring down the church of Rome, that He will bring down the popes. Their evil simply cannot go on! 
    People say "What happened to your prophecy about Poland?" Nothing. God is still waiting for the Polish government to act. Unfortunately there are those that will defend The Catholics no matter what they do and try  to keep it from the public.  Secrets of The Church must not be revealed.  Sorry folks, we're gonna be revealing them every opportunity we get!  If a bishop or a cardinal is puttin' it where it doesn't belong, and we can expose it, we will!  If they're dipping into the church's funds to support mistresses, we'll expose it.  If they're giving men annulments of their marriages who have been married for twenty or thirty years and have six or seven children, we'll expose it!  Any evil that they're doing, any way they try to raise money by hurting the innocent, we'll expose it!  If you've got any dirt on The Catholics, send it to us!  God will praise you!  Better yet, make it public right where you are and tell everybody you're doing it for us, for God's candidate for the presidency, because God has told you to. 
   Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America, and, the world!
    Here's the links to some of my recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
But Wants to Dwell
In The Holiness Of
Los Angeles For A Time

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621