By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

To say that The Ancient One and his companions were causing havoc was an understatement!  A new surge of psychokinetic energy was coming into the world, and they were using every bit of it they could get.  From one end of their country to the other people were having accidents; drug dealers, child molesters, embezzlers stealing from churches, from the old.  No one escaped their wrath!  The hunting was better than it had been for a long, long time.
They were in one of their western cities destroying a drug manufacturing facility when someone walked out of the shadows and approached The Ancient One.  The Ancient One left his companions and went over to the stranger.
"The colony in Damascus," the visitor commented, "wishes you to drop by.  They have something that may be of interest to you."
The Ancient One nodded and the man walked off into the night.  "Who was that?" his female companion asked.
"Someone who used to be an adversary," The Ancient One answered, "but who now helps us out from time to time.  Let's go!  We've got to visit The Middle East.  Just about done here anyway.  This equipment won't make any more poison, and they're going to go crazy trying to figure out who destroyed it.  Probably kill each other over it."
"The more the better!"  his female companion snapped.  "Save us the trouble!"
The Ancient One nodded, and they took flight.
A short time later they landed by some ruins that had once been part of a great city.  The Ancient One entered a tunnel, his companions following.  As they twisted and turned descending deeper and deeper, faint music began to reach them.  They finally emerged into a well lit chamber.  To one side dozens of coffins lined the wall.  At the far end four naked people sat in a cage, three men and a woman.  The rest of the area was filled with video games, a juke box, and other objects of entertainment.  Several children approached The Ancient One, all looking very innocent.
"Where's the goddess?"  The Ancient One asked one.
"Gone to get our provisions with some of the others," the young man answered.  "She shouldn't be long.  Make yourselves at home!"
One of the young girls came to The Ancient One's companion and began to eye him up and down.  "Forget it, sweetie!"  The Ancient One warned.  "One drop of his blood will cook you."
The Girl looked at The Ancient One with a mischievous smile.  "What makes you think I want his blood?"  she remarked.
The Ancient One began to roar with laughter, and everybody but his bewildered companions joined in.
A very beautiful young girl with curly blonde hair entered the far end of the chamber. When she saw The Ancient One she motioned her four companions to put what they were carrying in the coolers and hurried over.
"Well," the girl remarked, "long time no see!"
"Yeah," The Ancient One answered, "been about a thousand years, hasn't it?"
The girl nodded.  The Ancient One pointed to the cage. "What's this?"  he asked.
"Just for special occasions," the girl answered.  "I guarantee you, they well deserve what they get!  We've GOT to have some fresh once and a while! They're child molesters, pedophiles.  That's how we captured them."
The Ancient One nodded.  "What is it you wanted to tell me?" he continued.
"Christopher!"  the girl cried, "Come tell The Light Bearer what happened to you!"
A young man came away from the others and joined The Ancient One.  "Some months ago," he remarked, "I was taken captive.  They knew what I was, and how to control me, but they didn't want to destroy me.  They wanted my blood.  They wanted the virus in my body.  They kept me for some time.  I just managed to escape a few days ago. I was finally able to seduce one of the women in the facility, and she helped me escape."
"I hope you didn't give her the usual reward," The Ancient One commented.
"No, no!" the boy answered.  "She was quite alive when I left her, and quite uninfected.  Anyway, there was another reason she helped me.  She doesn't like what they're planning.  They plan to infect all of Israel with the virus, make as many Israelis as they can like us so the world will have to destroy them, make Israel so weak they'll be able to overcome it."
"I see!" The Ancient One muttered.  "Can you tell me where this facility is?"
There was a map on one of the walls.  The young man walked over and pointed to one of the cities.  "It's right here," he commented.  It's on a little island that the river curls around.  It's supposed to be a storage facility for the country's blood supply.  You can recognize the building.  It's the only one on the island shaped like a rectangle.  All the others are square."
The Ancient One nodded again and turned to his host.  "Thank you for the information."
The girl curtsied.  "Much better meeting you this way," she commented, "than running like hell to get away from you when you're killing us all!"
"Just keep the bargain," The Ancient One answered, "stay out of trouble and not too many of them," he pointed towards the cage.
The Ancient One and his companions nodded, heading for the facility to make sure what was stored there would never be used.  They were quite successful.  As they were preparing to leave his female companion came up to him.  "All those children back there living in that mean they're all....." she hesitated, "you mean they're all vampires?"
The Ancient One nodded.  "Every last one!"  he answered.
His male companion looked at him curiously.  "That one that was staring at me," he remarked, "if she didn't want my blood, then what DID she want?"
The Ancient One and his female companion roared with laughter.  "You're male," The Ancient One finally managed, "she's female.  What do you think she wanted?"
"But she's just a child!"  The Ancient One's male companion answered.
The Ancient One looked sad.  "That child," he remarked, "is over 500 years old!"
"But they look so young!" his male companion stammered.
"And they will until they die," The Ancient One explained, "until they turn to dust.  That's part of the vampire's curse. "
"How many of them," his female companion asked, "have you destroyed?"
"Thousands!"  The Ancient One answered, "from the first moment we came to this world to today, those that we have to, we hunt and destroy. "
"There's no way we can save them?"  his female companion asked.
"There is only one peace we can give them," The Ancient One answered, "only one, Eternal Death, Eternal Rest, Eternal Darkness.  That's all they can ever look forward to."
"Damn!"  his female companion moaned, "Damn!"
"Yes," The Ancient One agreed, "damn!"



As we talk about extra terrestrials, we always get a kick out of it when somebody says "Oh! Insects couldn't be intelligent! They couldn't get big enough brains because of the way their bodies are built! They don't have the right knd of circulatory system!" Well, I got news, people! Evolution on other worlds doesn't listen to experts. When it wants to do something it finds ways of doing it! The two races at the addresses below are proof of that! Never say Mother Nature can't do anything, it will be apt to reach up and bite you.

The Podo Quartee

The Pickanar

A strange bit of evolution are the two races below. Again, some would say such creatures could not evolve, but nobody told them that, and they not only evolved, but thrived!

The Cottle Frodenac

The Cowa Tuti

Sometimes evolution creates mysteries. The races below are mysteries that haven't yet been solved.

The Kulidee

The Kulida

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