June 3, 2,002
No Demons For Jesus

This has been a strange weekend!  I had to work Saturday trying to make up some time, and it was also our monthly shopping day so we got nothing done that day.  I tried to work some on the next issue of the magazine Sunday, but I was simply too exhausted.  I had to go back to bed a little after one o'clock and I didn't get back up until 5:30, and then was too groggy to get much done.  We are simply drained!  Both Linda and I need a long period of rest, but the current circumstances make that virtually impossible.
Where everything that has been going on is of so much importance we are putting up a special edition of the magazine today.  It probably will not be complete for a couple of days but most of it should be on line and accessible by tomorrow.  We'll give you the address then.
One thing we did accomplish this weekend, is get a new world map, put it up, and plot the dead zones on it.  There are currently ten, mostly in The Middle East, but the number grows weekly, at an alarming rate.  The dead zone in Baghdad started the 1st completely collapsed in two days!  There was virtually no spiritual energy there to withdraw, or, shut off.  The second dead zone in Iraq is expected to collapse just as quickly, so it has been decided to begin the Massachusetts dead zone the 10th rather than the 15th, so the two Texas dead zones can be begun the 20th and will be fully functional by July 4th, which Jesus feels is of importance.
 Monitoring the Massachusetts and Texas dead zones is going to be extremely difficult because our agents are packing up and leaving them.  We will still have the creatures of Darkness to monitor the Massachusetts dead zone, but we will have virtually nothing in Texas because the demons there refuse to work for Jesus.  We can't understand what the difference is.  They have worked with us since the crisis began, but they refuse to assist The Son Of God.  They will still not interfere, but they won't give any information on who they're controlling or, what they're doing, or, what is going on in the dead zones.  We are trying to negotiate with them, but they are being totally uncooperative.
Another strange phenomena has been noticed about the dead zones.  They are effected by the sun!  When the sun is rising in the east the dead zones are pulled three to ten miles east.  As the sun passes over them they are pulled slightly in whatever direction the sun is located, and as the sun sets they are pulled three to ten miles west.  At night, without the sun's influence, they are perfectly circular, stretching out almost exactly one hundred miles from the center point in all directions.  That the dead zones are so effected by the sun proves, without a doubt, they are a materialistic phenomena, as spiritual energy is not effected by the sun except to be dissipated when exposed to it.  The sun's gravitational influence has no effect on it, whatsoever.  The experts in The Afterlife find that the more the dead zones are effected with the corrupted energy that has so devastated The Afterlife, the more they are effected by the sun, which proves, beyond a doubt, that this energy is material in nature.  They are still totally bewildered to understand how this energy with material aspects got into the Afterlife, but Everyone is very glad the dead zones are drawing it out, and the Afterlife is slowly returning to normal.
Despite these setbacks Jesus continues His personal efforts to destroy Texas religiously, politically, and economically.  Sadly, these new circumstances give us even less time to get the postcard campaign going there, and to keep the dead zones from being activated.  But Jesus is determined to punish Bush and his party for failing to accept The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan by destroying or crippling one of their greatest power bases before the upcoming congressional elections.  These are strange, strange times, and, extremely sad times.

FOOTNOTE:  Sunday was our 30th wedding anniversary but because of the circumstances we didn't get to celebrate.


Many cannot believe the amount of information that is contained in our magazines and the various Teachings of Spirit!  We are constantly asked if any of these Teachings have changed.  We thought we would use the many open spaces in this issue to go through what we have published and review these Teachings and see if any of Them have changed.  Let us go to V1 N1, May, 1987
The first subject covered in this issue is how the word Spirit is held in such a sacred state to the Spiritists.  Absolutely nothing has changed in this matter, whatsoever. The word Spirit is one of the most sacred in our vocabulary.  Perhaps the things that it means have even grown with the passage of the years.  Not only does it now mean Our Loved Ones and Their Abode, Their Dwelling Place, but it also means Their love and kindness, and all that They do to help us in the great struggle we are enduring.
Also in this issue, are Spirits Teachings on war and violence, which definitely have not changed!  Spirits Teachings are very clear.  No one has a right to unjustly attack another.  No one has a right to insult another.  People have a right to defend themselves, their person, and their property.  And it is also each individual's duty to protect the weak and the helpless, the young, the old, the feeble minded and the infirmed.  Abuse of any of these is totally unacceptable, and those that stand by and allow such will not be accepted by their Blessed Ones in The Afterlife.  It is hard for some to accept such situations as The Israelis defending themselves against The Palestinians.  They think The Israelis' actions unjustified and cruel, but they are not.
These articles will continue on the bottom of the following pages without further notice.

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