July 29, 2,006
Postcards For The Troops

Found a wonderful site supported by Xerox where you can send a post card to a service person overseas with a personal message. Here's the address.


We sent the message below and are asking other people to send a similar one with the web site address. We couldn't say everything we wanted to here. So we put it in a song.


Please share it with your friends!


If we can get this song to the troops it will help send energy to them that will enable them to better handle the situation in Iraq. So any help would be appreciated. We also sent the letter below to Xerox asking them to help with the printing of Muhammed's passes of protection for our troops. As we have said, so much going on! But any way we can find to get more power over to Iraq, the better chance we have.


I'm Speaker Gerald Polley, an internationally known psychic working out of Bismarck, North Dakota. For a couple of years now I have been channeling messages from Muhammed. He seeks to have passes printed in The United States to help protect our troops in Iraq. He is looking for a corporate sponsor to print these passes and give them to The President and ask him to distribute them. We came across your wondrous site to send post cards to the troops and sent one telling about our song of praise. And Muhammed thought you would be excellent ones to approach about printing the passes. Below is the address to the pass itself, and, to the video at You Tube telling about it. If your company would be interested in taking on this project to help our troops we would appreciate you contacting us.



Yours In The Service Of The Lord Of Heaven,
Now, And Forever

Linda has been busy the last few days getting the art gallery back up, which has been a great many people's favorite. She had a lot of trouble with the links and because the computer is working so poorly. Now it won't shut off and the only way we can shut it down is to turn off the power to it completely. This is not constant but enough so it is beginning to be a nuisance. We don't know how much longer this computer is going to be useable. Can't wait til these hackers go to The Afterlife! They are going to get a very warm welcome! Anyway, here's the links to what Linda's got back up.

Speaker Polley's Art Gallery

The Current Leadership Of The Kingdom Of God

The Holiest Of All Description

The Ascension Page For Joseph Smith

From the video "We Drop De Bombs!" "Oh! I'm getting a headache!"

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