September 30, 2,006
Demon Possession

The Kingdom Of God salutes Oprah's anti pedophile campaign! Judges have to start taking pedophiles more seriously, no probation, no suspended sentences. If you're caught messing with children on line you go to prison! And if Oprah really wants to help stop the pedophiles she has to stop supporting homosexuality and lesbianism, which is the door that pedophiles use to lure in their victims. The acceptance of this evil is what is making people turn and look the other way when they know that things are going on. It is hard, we know. But the public has to say no, you're destroying our children, you're leading them into sin and sodomizing them. It must stop!
We've been asked if Duane Morrison, the shooter at the Colorado high school that killed a female student and then himself, made it to The Afterlife and can explain why he did what he did. Well, Duane Morrison has been in The Afterlife for several months! He was as shocked by the news reports as everyone else! He had no idea his body had apparently been taken over by a creature of Darkness, a demon, who committed these foul crimes. Apparently the creature of Darkness' only purpose was to terrorize so it could feed. This is not an unheard of phenomenon, it occurs from time to time, but usually the demon will be far more active before committing one final big act like this. It is not common behavior. We would not be surprised to learn that this individual has been involved in some other crimes somewhere in the past few months. This is an old story that we wish would not reoccur. But as long as the world is full of hate and creatures of Darkness it will be one that is repeated. This poor man's memory will be forever soiled with no one being able to prove it was not him that committed these terrible acts! The creature of Darkness will probably relish in that. The creature of Darkness' victim is doing fine..a little disoriented and angry, but she's with her loved ones. But there is one strange thing. She keeps asking everybody where the thunderstorm is. She says there's supposed to be a thunderstorm and nobody seems to know what she's talking about. Sometimes those that pass over have some very strange ideas! But no one's heard of this thunderstorm thing.
Muhammed keeps begging us not to throw things away, that every little scrap of stuff is precious. We keep starting saving things and then for one reason or another throwing them away. But finally we are fulfilling his wishes in one circumstance. We are taking the three hundred and eight hand written pages of the Harry Potter story. Gerald is printing on the back of them "From Gerald's Harry Potter Story" and Linda is autographing them, and we're leaving a little space for some personal comments and saving them. They're on everything...old menus from one of Gerald's jobs, the backs of t.v. dinner boxes, the backs of junk mail, and letters from the hospital, the insides of cereal boxes, any scrap paper Gerald could make! Can you imagine a couple of hundred years from now somebody taking one of them into an Antiques Road Show to have it appraised and the appraiser saying "Well, where these are hand done and autographed, and there's only about fifteen of them left they're worth about $2,000!" Wouldn't that be something? Muhammed is a dreamer, but you never know! Some day his dreams might come true! After all, he's a Prophet!
Linda has got up some more back issues! She's working like anything trying to get everything rebuilt again. In one of the issues are the lyrics to the song "We Need Our Dear John" which expresses how The Afterlife feels about John Lennon. Here's the link.

And here's the link to "Jimmy Rocks The Night!" that Jesus wanted us to remind people of, too.

Here's the links to the back issues.

Gerald had a dream Friday morning that he was travelling with The Nazarene, and he had the people stop and sit down around him. And Jesus said "I will tell you a parable. It was the sabbath, and the priest went to the gate of the synagogue to let the people in. And an old woman was coming that was a faithful believer and had served God for years. And she stumbled and fell and could not get up. She begged those passing to help her. But the wise men of the temple, the learned men, walked by her, and ignored her, and entered into the synagogue. Then came a common man, an unlearned man, and he cried out "Dear mother let me help you!" and picked the woman up then they started for the synagogue. But the priest cried out "No! You cannot enter! You are defiled. You have labored on the sabbath. You have touched the unclean. Before you can enter God's house you must be purified!" And the common man led the mother away saying "Come! I will care for you." Now it came to pass in the way of time that the priest, the wise men, and the common man died. When the priest and the wise men neared The Gates Of Paradise God rebuked them, crying, "Begone from me! You knew me not. You worshiped only yourselves. There is no place for you here. You are not my children!" And the priest and the wise men went away in bitter lamentation, gritting their teeth and wailing. But then the common man approached and God cried out "Behold, my son returneth! My joy has come!" and He went down and greeted him royally, kissing him many times on the cheeks. And He cried to His servants "Bring my sons robes! Dress him properly!" and the common man was dressed in great raiment. And God said "Come, my beloved. Enter in and sit at the feet of my throne and teach the people." Then Jesus said to those gathered there "Hear my words and understand what I am saying to you. Be the common man. Do not be the priests and the wise men. For they know nothing!" Now that's what we call a good dream!

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