October 6, 2,007
3,000 Saved!

The other day when we were out, we got some nice black shirts that Gerald is going to keep for campaigning. One has a little red polo guy on it but that's all right! Another says "Gateway 2,000," which isn't too bad, and the other one doesn't have anything at all on it and it's 70% silk and 30% cotton. Hope it's machine washable! He wanted some pants too, but the only 44 waists in black the legs were a mile long, and we don't have anybody to take them up any more. It simply costs too much to take them to the alteration shop, though it is right up the street. One of the first things we're going to have to do when we get our hands on some money is to really work on our wardrobe! However the clothes Gerald wears for the campaign will become historical items, especially if we succeed! Some day they may sell at auction for thousands of dollars. But it is going to be difficult while we're travelling to make sure our clothes are washed in unscented detergent and that no fabric softener is used. We have to fight with people to get them not to use fabric softener!
The stress of this campaign might already be getting a little bit too much for Gerald! Here's the latest little cartoon he made. Several of our friends said it nearly gave them cardiac arrest! Gerald didn't think it was that funny!


Got a nice reply from Ford Motor Company. Unfortunately they don't provide vehicles to individuals, only not for profit organizations. Hmmm! Is a Presidential Election Committee a not for profit organization?
In Thursday's "Here's Jesus!" the question from February, 2,003, is "What do The Apostles do in the Afterlife?" and segment 2 contains Mary Magdalene's letter to former president Jimmy Carter! More important details!


Sarah, The Mother Of Israel has written three letters in support of Gerald's presidential campaign containing some great ideas concerning important issues. However, the first one is a letter to Madonna ! You can check these out on our Polley For President site. The links are below.




Gerald had a strange dream Thursday morning about finding a radioactive hot spot by the local prison here in Bismarck. Where did that one come from?
In Friday's "Here's Jesus!" is a question from February 2,003, "Did Joshua really make the walls of Jericho come tumbling down?" and Mary Magdalene's letter to The Elders Of The Mormon Church. Very important!


Here's one of those frustrating little things! Gerald is mailing to Jewish groups around the country trying to get some support for the Presidential Campaign. He just finished mailing to California and went to bring up the letter to change the word in it and he found it said Arizona. He so hopes that he hasn't sent out a whole bunch with the wrong name in them! But he was sure he had chanegd it. The creatures of Darkness doing their best to mess things up!
Kingdom Of God absolutely delighted that they were able to keep the creatures of Darkness from killing thousands of miners in South Africa! This would have been a major feeding effort for them that would've given them a great deal of power to fight Jesus. Their success shows how powerful They are at this time.
Jesus has prepared two audio messages, one on taxes, and another on torture for the Presidential site. Linda has not had time to type them yet but will get them done and have them up some time today. Be sure to look for them. We'll give the links in the next email.
Jesus has asked us to make a special comment that Archbishop Raymond Burke is a creature of Darkness, that he is spreading the blasphemous teachings of the anti abortion people, and that he is not of God. Anyone that he refuses to give communion to can go to Demetrius (Speaker Gerald Polley) and receive the blessings of God and communion. Gerald is authorized by God, Himself, to anoint and give communion. These creatures of Darkness that call themselves priests have no true power, whatsoever. Well, that's that!

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