suffer for Him, and do what is right." If I do not have that, if no one will give me that, I cannot take my Throne because I have no power, I have no authority. If God's people would rather destroy themselves than follow me, I have no one to lead, I have no one to guide and protect. It is that simple. I need obedience. We are willing to give great rewards, we are willing to give great power, but it must be understood that I am to be obeyed, and not man.

Recently We lost a hundred more of our precious lights because they wanted me to be the butchering messiah and destroy all else except those that followed their way and give them domination of the world. I rejected them, and I reject all like them! I will never destroy the innocent to glorify my Kingdom, no matter how much those filled with greed want me to! It is rumored that you belong to a cult that is trying to take over the world, make one world government. I have told your wife that this will never be permitted. The Christians will have their places, The Jews, The Muslims, The Hindus, The Buddhists will have their places, and when The Children Of The Lords awaken, They will have Theirs. As I told your wife, they will live under many different political systems; capitalism, socialism, communism, but they will all be free, to come and go as they wish. They will not be held captive in one place. If they don't like that place they'll be able to move to another, and not in any way, be punished. There will never be one world government. But there will be many governments working together as one, insuring the liberty of all the world. Any that strive for anything else will be crushed, will be utterly and completely destroyed. Any dictators that rise up and tell their people "We are the chosen race, it is our destiny to rule the world, our religion is the only one that shall be followed!" will be obliterated, and those that follow him or suffer for Him, and do what is right." If I do not have that, if no one will give me that, I cannot take my Throne her will be removed from history. It will be as if they never existed. This is the future that the world will have. The last bastions of The Holy Godden Empire will be wiped away. The greed and lust that destroyed Our people, that marooned Us here will be removed from the souls of man forever, and they will become a race worthy to go to the stars.

Before I retake my Throne, before I will again serve mankind, mankind must swear an oath that this is what will be, that they will never, ever again teach that I will destroy the innocent to make them dominant, that they will teach forever that those that follow me will live in harmony with all others, as long as they are left in peace, and may teach my way without fear of persecution, and allow others to teach their way, without fear that they will be harmed.

This is what I need to take my Throne, this is what I demand. And at this time, and this place, only you and your wife can give it to me, only the two of you can fulfill my needs and restore my Place. By crying out "We hear the voice of Jesus! We know the future He wants to make, and we will make that future! We will make Christianity a force of good in the world, whose teachers will be welcomed everywhere! For no one, anywhere will have any reason to fear them, because they will come as good friends and neighbors." This is what I have to have before I will again take my Throne. I reach out my hand to you and I ask you to take it and to say "Jesus, I will follow you to the death. Somehow, some way I will fulfill your desire. I will give my all to make mankind what You want it to be, to make Christianity what You want it to be! I am without question, your man. My wife is without question, Your woman. We belong to you and we will follow You in all things!" You don't know how much I want this, you do not know how much I crave it! For if I have it I will know there is hope. If you stand with me and hold my dream I know it has a chance. If you will go to your wife and say "It's time! Go and do Jesus' will! I'll get to work here. Let's get it done!" there is hope for all the world.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

September 22, 2,008

Friday Gerald drew some sketches on the new computer's paint program of architect Frank Lloyd Wright's ideas for the new Holiest Of All on the new world God has planned for The Christians in the future.

( See Pages 21 & 22 Of This Issue. )

Saturday Jesus sent His 66th letter to First Lady Laura Bush about architect Frank Lloyd Wright's proposed designs for the Holiest Of All on The Christian's new world in the stars.

Sunday Jesus sent His 67th letter to The First Lady about taxes, evangelist Tony Alamo being in trouble, and how people can find out if someone who claims to be of God actually is, that too many planes leaving from LA with people raising money for charities are crashing, and more! Here's the link!

Monday Jesus sent His 68th letter to First Lady Laura Bush concerning Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, and Mickey Mantle's wishes for Yankee Stadium before it completely closes, and if she joins Demetrius' presidential campaign Jesus will retake His Throne!

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