Official Document

Be It Known That God The Father Has Appointed


A Courier Protector for The Mormon Church also known as The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints, to The Embassy Of The Kingdoms Of God And The Grand Alliance, being operated by Speakers Gerald And Linda Polley, currently out of 1013 1/2 N 3rd St., Bismarck, North Dakota 58501.
Part of this person's duties shall be to carry messages to and fro between The Embassy and the leaders of The Mormon Church. She shall have the authority when the leaders of The Church agree to a proposal made by The Embassy, to sign an interim agreement on that proposal so that work may begin on it immediately until such time as Speaker Polley himself, can sign a full agreement, making any alterations that might be necessary.
But the main purpose of this individual is to shield the members of The Mormon Church from Speaker Polley's dark powers that God has given him to hunt and destroy evil. With Jesus' abandonment of mankind, and Mary Magdalene, Jesus' wife no longer being available to protect people that have committed small offenses and can be redeemed, it is necessary to replace her with several individuals. It shall be the duty of the above named person to live with The Speaker and his wife, taking on the relationship of their daughter, and especially in the evening be near The Speaker so that she will protect individuals that can be saved. When it is necessary for The Speaker to travel she shall accompany him and as much as possible stay within twenty feet of him, so that her protective abilities will shield members of The Mormon Church. She must be present with The Speaker during any negotiations or any services that he provides. This is her primary function, to boost the power of The Speaker's wife, and, protect those in need.
It is requested of The Mormon Church that they provide funds hopefully through the sale of some of Speaker Polley's books to support this individual's service, and provide for her needs.
Whereas this individual will be coming into The Polleys' household as a daughter with all privileges that that entails, she will be expected to help maintain the family as a daughter would, help her mother in such chores as cleaning, doing the wash, preparing meals, and doing the dishes, the normal things that a daughter would help with. What other projects that she wants to be involved with pertaining to the Work of The Embassy would be at her discretion.
All effort will be made to make this person as comfortable as possible while she is carrying out her duties as Protector. But this is her primary function, and her most important function, and that is why God has given her this position.
Be it known that if any other courier protectors should join The Polleys' efforts from any other religious bodies they would be subordinate to the person named above, except for Speaker Polley, himself she would be responsible for delegating missions. Speaker Polley would inform her what needs to be done and she would assign the proper individuals to do so. Other than Speaker Polley, himself, only his wife would have superiority over her.

Signed By Speaker Gerald Polley At The Above Named Embassy

On ____________________________________________


Witnessed By





Another Little Problem

Another little problem we might have with teenage girls would be hair dye, something that is completely unacceptable to us. People ask "Well, what's wrong with it?" Well, for reason, some hair dyes have been linked to chemically produced leukemia, surely something someone would not want young women having when they got older. And the Spiritist philosophy is "Accept yourself as you are. This is the way you came into being. It is the way you are supposed to be. If your hair is straight it should be straight, if it's curly it should be curly and that's the way you should leave it. Each young woman is given beauty of her own, and each young man also. That is why we do not believe in adorning ourselves or changing ourselves outwardly. What we need to change is what is within, not what is without. If we have negative qualities within ourselves that is what we should be trying to change, not our outward appearance to try to please others. The first person you must please is yourself, and when you are pleased with yourself you will please others. Trying to make yourself into someone else denies people what you are and cheats them. Some people would not like this philosophy. We even get complaints when we tell boys they shouldn't use makeup! People say "My God! Let them express themselves!" That is what we want them to do, express themselves from within. That is the best way to let them express themselves.

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