April 21, 2,008
To Pope Benedict- A Special Request



Gerald was having the oddest dream Friday morning but with everything that was going on we didn't get to note it. All over the country these seven foot high, three feet around metal cylinders were appearing stuck in vacant lots in cities and along the highway, in the middle of grain fields, in schoolyards. The phenomena only seemed to be occuring in The United States. The objects could not be moved no matter how much people tried. Huge cranes tried to lift them and would break under the strain. Gerald was called to investigate. He looked one over, patted it, and smiled, then came and told the crowd of officials "It's nothing serious! They're just visiting! When they've learned all they want they'll move along." "But what are they?" a military officer asked as Gerald walked off. "Oh," Gerald answered, "they're Angels, they're just Angels!" Now that's one the dream analysts can play with!
Gerald had another dream a while back, too that we didn't get to relate. He dreamed he went back in time and prevented the murder of Jesse James, and it completely altered history! James ended up getting a pardon and eventually became his state's governor. He opposed legislation against colored people and his state became integrated while other southern states were becoming segregated. It caused the early collapse of segregation! The dream was so real that when Gerald got up in the morning he had to check to see if history was still right! Imagine the '60s without the civil rights movement. Well, wait a minute...that might not have been a bad thing if there was no necessity for the civil rights movement. Strange dream, nonetheless.
God sent His 28th and last letter to First Lady Laura Bush Saturday. It was a very sad day, indeed, and Everyone in The Afterlife was still so angry that it had to be His last. Here's the link.




We put up Muhammed's 12th political cartoon from The Afterlife Saturday.



Sunday Gerald sent his 25th letter to The First Lady concerning a big mistake the creatures of Darkness have made. http://www.voicesfromspirit.com/campaignletters/Gerald/geraldtolaurabush25.htm


Gerald has sent his first letter to Pope Benedict XVI about God's recent problems with the American government. Here's the link.







Organizations We Belong To



The other day when the secret service agent was interviewing Gerald he asked if he belonged to any organizations. Well, in the material world we're kind of short right now. All the organizations that we want to belong to have rejected us and are in big trouble! But of course when it comes to the Spiritual World that is another story all together! First of all, we belong to The Spiritist Republic. We are Children Of The Lords. Though only a handful of people in the material world know about The Republic, it is one of the most powerful organizations in The Afterlife, equal to The Kingdom Of God, some say superior but The Children do not like to make such claims. We are equal to all that is good, and superior to all that is evil.
Of course right now we are also attached to The Kingdom Of God. Again, one of the most powerful organizations in The Afterlife. We are empowered by God, Jesus, Muhammed, Moses, and Father Abraham. So we would say we have a great deal of authority in The Kingdom Of God.
We are also recognized by Father Odin and all of his Kinsmen, who have sworn absolute loyalty to our Cause and to defend The Kingdom Of God against all adversaries.
The same is true of Lord Zeus and his Kingdom. Lord Zeus has promised all of his followers to our efforts.
Lord Krishna recognizes Gerald as a brother and gives him authority over all of his followers.
Buddha considers Gerald The Enlightened Of The Enlightened and has asked all of his people to follow his guidance.
Yes, we might be a little lacking in the material realm. Stubborn and ignorant men might refuse to follow our council. But in The Afterlife we belong to plenty of organizations, plenty!


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