08-01-00 AJ
An Open Letter From Caylee Anthony
To First Lady Laura Bush



I didn't get any visitors last night. I was very disappointed. Mr. Polley said you were busy on other things and could't get there. That's understandable.
I saw that your husband and your father-in-law had a meeting with Mr. Obama. I hope they told him how much trouble he's in! I'm sure your secret service is informing his secret service. But I do wish there is some way that they could arrange some cooperation with Mr. Polley. It would be so good for everyone.
But Mr. Polley had a cute dream about Mrs. Obama, which I wish would come true. Mrs. called him at work and said Mrs. Obama had called and wanted to speak to you right away and could she give her his number at work. Mr. Polley said yes, and a few minutes later she called. Everybody at the restaurant was amazed because she told his boss who she was and asked if she could speak to Mr. Polley for a few moments. She asked if she could come with you when you took my letter to my grandmother. She said though she knew Mr. Polley and her husband didn't get along this was something she wanted to take part in, she wanted so much to help me. So Mr. Polley said she could go. That was about the end of the dream except everybody at work was saying "Wow! He really does talk to people at The White House!" It was one of those really realistic dreams and I wish so much that it would come true.
Has my letter come yet? Have you read it? I exist for hearing that you're on your way to Florida with it. It is my greatest hope. Everybody was excited yesterday because I was expressing some desires to survive. Well, actually the big thing was I was excited at the idea of actually being Mr. Polley's daughter. Surviving was a secondary thought, the dream of actually having a physical form and being able to climb up on the bed and cuddle him and be loved by him the way a father loves and not be afraid. Nobody else could possibly understand, nobody else could possibly know what that would mean to me. It's one of those silly things. But that's what I was really excited about. Of course surviving would be nice but I can't do that without mother. There's no hope in any way unless grandmother responds to my letter and gets her to do what I want. Well, there's no sense saying that over and over again. You know what it means, so you can understand why I'm praying that you will take the letter to my grandmother and I will at least have a chance.
I am starting to have wishes that there was a way of saving mother. But that will not keep me from doing what I have to do if she won't do what's right. There's just nothing else. I can't let go if she doesn't do what's right. So please read my letter! Take it to my grandmother! You might not save one soul, you may save two, and God will praise you.
I've got to say these Hezbollah people are so stupid. They're doing just exactly what God and Mr. Polley want them to do. That's why they destroyed so many of their souls in their bodies, so the people around them will be forced to destroy what's left. The best thing for the people of Lebanon to do is rise up, seize Hezbollah's leaders and ask Mr. Polley to come and take care of them. If they would he would be kind to them, and give as many of them eternal life as possible. But of course he won't be able to travel or anything in The Middle East until he gets an Islamic protector. I so wish I could become his daughter and as I was growing up the protectors would be in my house pampering me and spoiling me rotten while mother and father were busy. It would be wonderful to be a part of that, to have wonderful big sisters. And I'd like to be like Caroline Kennedy, running around The White House and being a general nuisance to everyone while father was trying to run the world. We can have dreams! But all my dreams depend on my letter, all my hopes are in it.
There was a story, a terrible one in the news about a teenage girl who drowned her baby and put it in the trash. God wants her tried and executed. If she had gotten an abortion God would hold nothing against her, but she let her baby be born and then murdered it. For that she should give her life, no question, no doubt. He knows people will object but those are His feelings. Once a soul enters a body and it is alive it should be protected. It is a living being, it is no longer an empty shell. Then it is murder, pure and simple! And no compassion should be shown because of the person's age. This young woman is responsible. She knows right from wrong, she simply didn't care. That should be dealt with. I hope you understand what I'm saying and will support Mr. Polley in this. There is no excuse. Mr. Polley is doing a little bit better. He slept a little bit better last night. He had that problem I mentioned privately a little bit at work but it wasn't too bad, but none last night or this morning. His ankle flared a little bit last night but I think that was because he had to do some heavy stuff at work. I can't believe he works! Other people would simply be sitting in a chair and crying and giving up. He just keeps going. I still don't think it's right. People should be helping him.
This is something really nice. Mrs. Polley drew a picture of John Lennon talking to me. It's precious! She is so talented! People say her pictures are magical, make them feel what's going on though she's not a great artist. I would appreciate it so much if you could see to it that all the world sees it, and that if you would come and get the original and keep it especially for you. Here's the link.


( You Can See This Picture On Page 12. )



A Once Loving Child Who Has Become A Creature Of The Night


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