An Open Letter From God The Father
To Rush Limbaugh, One Of My Most Powerful Voices In The United States
06-03-00 AJ

Yesterday I sent an email to Governor Schwarzenegger of California who should be leading the effort to protect the public's decision to ban gay marriage and gave him the link to my brief that I wish to have him read to the California Supreme Court. I am now sending the same link to you. This brief is on the way to The Justices by surface mail, and I am in sincere hopes that it reaches them. It appears we may be making some enrodes and some of the Judges are changing their views.

( See Page 7 )

I am trying to raise the people of California to make sure that Our success there is not defeated, and that We can repeat it elsewhere. Therefore, I am asking you to make sure that this message gets to the people of California, as the homosexually controlled media is blocking us out and will not allow us to be heard. We are receiving hate mail from t.v. stations saying that we are lunatics and racists, that we do not support human rights. I desire to be heard.
I have asked Governor Schwarzenegger to establish a trust fund for my servant, Speaker Gerald A. Polley, and to be the first to donate to it. I am asking that every one of my children that oppose homosexuality donate $1.00 at least, to this trust fund, so my servant will be free to do my work, that he will have a monthly income. I ask you to support this effort, and to have your listeners request of the Governor that he begin this fund, and I would appreciate if you would donate to it.
You and Demetrius are so much alike! You probably differ on a couple of small issues, but on most of the major issues you agree completely. You should be working together. There are so many things that you could accomplish if you worked as one. We are in crisis right now because Obama won the election, and are struggling to repair the damage that has been done. If you were supporting my worker, if you were telling the world "I might disagree with him sometimes, but he is the voice of God," Our chances of success would improve a hundred fold! Here is the link to Speaker Gerald Polley's old presidential campaign web site. We wish to get it up and running again for the 2,012 campaign.

Speaker Polley intends to have all of those of his cabinet announced immediately, as soon as he begins his campaign, so the people will know exactly who will be working with him. I offer you an opportunity at this time, to make a request to fulfill any cabinet post that you would like to hold, perhaps ask the public what post you should be in, and I will gaurantee you that if Speaker Polley wins the election you will have it. Perhaps you would not want to be a politician. That would be your choice. But if you do wish to serve let us know what position you would like, and lets lead The American People out of the Darkness.
But again, I ask in all sincerity, that you help Us reach the anti-gay forces in California and get my brief to the lawyers representing them. If Governor Schwarzenegger will not present it to the Court I ask one of them to. I must be heard! I wish so much to use Speaker Polley's physical form to go to California and lead this battle myself. Unfortunately, at this time, without the Governor's support that would be impossible. But it is time for the politicians to stand with the people, and not a small, violent minority.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All Now, And, Forever


Hidden Truth

We are asked why the New Testament does not record that The Apostles' wives and sometimes even their children traveled with them, faced the same dangers that they faced and were often just as persecuted? Well, probably originally they did, but jealous men, when they took control of the church erased all these references they could not deal with the equality of women and had to subject them to inflict their egos and make themselves feel more important. When there was no other enemy they had to create one to keep control to have something to attack when there was nothing else to rally the people to. So the denying of the woman's place became fundamental to their power so all records of what the women accomplished were destroyed. There is without doubt somewhere, buried in the archives of The Catholic Church references to those things that the early Christian women accomplished, probably some of their journals and writings that were taken by men as their own. They stole their sisters' glory. It is going to be very hard to win the place of women back because there are so many men that feel they need dominance over them in order to function . But such men as these are weak and eventually overshadowed by those that are stronger and the ages of persecution will end. There are some mentions in Scripture. It is said that immediately after Jesus' crucifixion the men trembled and hid in fear, but the women went to and fro spreading the word. They were the beginning of Christianity when the men faltered. Now, a group of them may well be its salvation, its restoration. We can only wait and see and pray that they are as successful today as they were in those early hours when they said "We shall not surrender, what He has done shall not be forgotten! He will be glorified!" They did it then, perhaps they can do it again. All we have to do is get them together and this time their journals will not be hidden, what they do will be praised daily, for they will be The Warriors Of God.


Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen. ( Albert Einstein )

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