An Open Letter From Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower
To First Lady Laura Bush

May 26, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To God's Greatest Servant On Earth!

I must begin by telling you that because of your great power I am forced to perform one of the most terrifying duties that I have ever been asked to do! Because of your great work on Earth not only with Jesus, The Apostles, and Their wives, be on the reviewing stand as we make Our traditional march through The Circle Of The Apostles on Memorial Day, but for the first time in history God The Father and God The Mother will also be on the reviewing stand! Here is a link to the map showing The Circle of The Apostles in The Kingdom Of God.

I was with all the other great military leaders of my era and we were discussing that something special should be done to honor God The Mother, perhaps all the assembled troops should sing a special song for Her. We all agreed that this should indeed be something to work on. Unfortunately Our Dear John, The Apostle Of Religious Assignments, (John Lennon, formerly of The Beatles) has been leading the great battles in San Francisco and is completely drained. No one could seem to come up with anything. I mentioned to the others how sad it was and said "We need something like this!" and made up a little song. The others went "Yes! Yes indeed! We need something exactly like that!" After our meeting broke up General Patton went to the commander of parades and told him of my song. He came to me and said "Most excellent! You will lead the parade and lead the troops in this song as a salute to God The Mother." I cannot tell you how terrified I am! But as I am a soldier and will perform the duties I am asked to perform, I will do this, though I do not think my little effort is worthy enough.

While I am speaking to you I must tell you how much all around me desire that you become our commander and chief in the material world. Even if Demetrius is to become president there will probably be a couple of times during his administration that you will have to take command, and it will be good practice for you for when you have the job permanently. God is calling you and you are needed. We honor Demetrius and serve him without question because of his great love for mankind. Now there is one lie that he tells that I wish you not to believe. He will tell you that because of his nature, because of the way of his race he does not truly love, that he is incapable of it, that he puts on an act, an illusion to make people comfortable around him, but he really does not understand the human way of love. This is totally and completely untrue! He mistakes uncontrolled passion for love. His love for mankind is among the greatest that exists. The only love that surpasses it is the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So whenever he makes these statements do not be troubled by them, and do not believe them because they are untrue. He most certainly does love beyond the understanding of mortal men.

There is another thing that deeply disturbs Us. A secret is being kept, a truth that I know you are well aware of. That secret is being kept because if it is brought forth, if the truth is known, why this man loves The Children Of Israel so much that it may make The Arabs feel that he will side too much with Israel, and not fulfill their needs. We believe this is totally wrong! We believe if The Arab People know the total and complete truth, have a full understanding of these matters, it will make their love for this man even greater than it is. I desire very greatly, and all those that serve with me share the same desire that you publicaly acknowledge all the truth about this man, and why all who swear allegiance to Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, should follow him without question. The service of those who have done good for the children of God, lifetime after lifetime, should be made clear and unquestioned. All the world should acknowledge their glory, and the sacrifices that they have made for Us, the countless times they have suffered for Us. Few men would suffer for any cause as much as Demetrius has suffered for the salvation of man, and the full and complete truth should be known. All those who love him should bow down and acknowledge why they give him their devotion. This would not be an act of rebellion, this would be an act of unquestioned love.

And I will tell you now, that God does not forbid it. Demetrius has always been His devoted friend, and every mission that he has performed for Him should be acknowledged and glorified, even the most unpleasant ones. For without him there could have been no salvation, there could have been no glorification of man. Without a priest to sacrifice The Lamb Of God He could not have ascended to His glory and become the salvation of us all. So every mission that God has given His great servant has been one that man could not do without.

That is why the mission that God is asking you to take is so important. Because he that has been so faithful to God should not stand alone, should not be forsaken. Every one of God's children that He calls to stand beside Him should rally to Him and do His will without question. For whatever He asks is the will of God, and that is unquestioned and, without doubt.

Well I've probably got myself in enough trouble, I've probably said far more than I should've said. But here's my poor attempt to sing this song, and I bless Demetrius for letting me use his physical form to give it to the world, and below that, the lyrics. Again, I ask you on behalf of all those that served in the office that I held join Demetrius, fulfill your destiny, save your children! Stand beside God and let Him have His march through San Francisco on the 30th. There is still yet time to rally God's children and to call God forth. Do not turn away that power and glory you are offered.

By; Dwight D. Eisenhower
Channeled Through; Gerald A. Polley

All rights reserved.

1. We sing for our mothers,
the glory of our land!
We sing for the ladies
who always took our hand!
When we were frightened
they taught us to be men,
We sing for
our mothers,
the glory of our land!

2. Come you, all my brothers,
who fought in every land!
Tell all the world
how they made us men!
When we were afraid
they guided with their hand,
And told us to be gentle,
to every living man.

3. Come you, all my brothers,
tell unto the land!
The courage that we had
came from their gentle hands!
They told us to do battle,
they told us to be men!
But they told us to do honor
to each and every man.

4. Come you, all my brothers,
sing throughout the land!
Tell them of the ladies
who always made a stand!
Who told us "Fight for justice!"
who told us "Save the land!
Do what you do with honor
in each and every land!"

5. Sing the song forever
of how they made us men!
Tell them forever,
the glory of our land!


A Resident Of The Kingdom Of God
And A Faithful Servant Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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