Jesus' 37th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

August 17, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To God's Most Glorious Daughter!

Alura was attacked while visiting one of her friends' web sites on the internet yesterday. I am very angry over it, but my dear friend Muhammed is even more angry, and therefore I will let him have his say first, and then I will explain what God would like. Here is The Prophet.

An Open Letter From Muhammed Who Is Called The Prophet
To First Lady Laura Bush

August 17, 2,008

Greetings Madam Vice President!

I must tell you I am enraged! I am as angry as I can possibly be! Last evening Alura, Our beloved Mrs. Polley, was visiting one of her friends on the internet when a person claiming to be Islamic began to insult and threaten her because he found the information on Demetrius' and Alura's web site that told of when Hussein and the dark creatures he controlled tried to overthrow me and take over Paradise. My people consider Alura their spiritual mother. They adore her beyond any other woman on Earth except for our material mother, Hagar, The Mother Of Ishmael, The Founder Of Our Race. To have her so attacked is beyond Our bearing, beyond anything that We will tolerate, and We want something done. He also insulted God, daring Him to attack him. He is getting exactly what he wants!

This person calls himself fmahmood00. If there is any legal action that can be taken I wish it to be taken. I ask, on behalf of The Islamic People, that you defend Our Sacred Mother, and I also ask The King Of Saudi Arabia, who God has recognized as the unquestioned leader of Islam, and who I support, to insist that you take action also. The Islamic People will not tolerate these attacks on The Father Of Fathers, The Voice Of The Prophets, He Who Speaks For And Defends All Of God's Children.

We see no reason why he should not have an opportunity to speak to The American People and ask to be their President, as he would represent all of them equally, and, fairly, justly condemning any evil they do but praising all the good they accomplish as well.

And I send another request to The Saudi King. The Americans are holding some Islamic fundamentalists at this place called Guantanamo Bay because of the wrongs they have committed against The Islamic People, and the world. They want to put some of them to death. I do not object to this. But to show the world Demetrius' authority the power that I grant him I want you and the other Islamic leaders of the world to insist that before anyone is put to death Demetrius must review the evidence against them and decide rather or not it is enough to warrant death, that he may, if he sees fit, require that these individuals be imprisoned for the rest of their lives or for a suitable period according to their crimes. I literally want to give him the power of life and death over The Islamic People, as he is now the voice of God on Earth and the last appeal for The Islamic People, the one who can grant God's mercy. I ask all The Islamic People of the world to demand of The United States Of America that Demetrius be given this authority, and if executions are necessary, that he be the executioner. I have made other requests of you earlier concerning this situation, and I still wish these desires to be fulfilled. But without question I want what I am asking for now, that Demetrius be given the authority that I demand, and that you take action against those attacking my servant and your protector. I also desire that you request of Demetrius the information on the Covenant that his people offer The Islamic People. It is an incredibly generous offer for help that shold be granted freely because of all else that is being done for your people, that Demetrius' people are so kind as to offer you a place in the stars I think is incredibly generous, and that you should at least hear the proposal, for it will benefit all The Islamic People.

I will not tolerate my servants being threatened. The person that has threatened them is obviously a drug addict, he promotes marijuana. This is why his mind is so twisted, why he is so deranged, and God's servants must be protected from him.

I ask you, dear lady, to make sure that The King Of Saudi Arabia receives this message, and as a representative of all Christianity in America I sincerely ask you to see to it that my wishes are fulfilled by your people, also. For We stand together in this great battle to save Our children, and those who stand with Us should not be attacked by such evil. It should not be allowed.

He Who Rules Paradise
By The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

Now, for me to continue! The United States would play a great part in the offer that Demetrius' people are making to The Saudis. It is a separate agreement but as Muhammed has said, it is a generous one, offering a great reward for that that should be given freely for what is already being done. I wish for you to send a representative from The State Department to receive a copy of this proposal, and also to assist Demetrius in contacting the government of Georgia concerning the proposal that God wishes to make with them. And this is it.

God has said in His Decree condemning Putin, that when the Georgian territories are reclaimed He wants the ethnic Russians scattered throughout Georgia so that they will no longer be in one part of Georgia and The Russians can claim that territory in their name. God wishes this dispersal to be done in all fairness, and these people to be treated with all dignity. Say if the manager of a factory is sent to another factory he will be given the exact same authority in that factory as he had in his original place of employment. And he will be given housing equal to what he had in his former residence, and be given every opportunity for promotion according to his ability. The same would be true of say, a doctor, or a nurse that is moved from one hospital to another. They should be given the same seniority that they had in their previous hospital and every opportunity to advance. These individuals should be denied no rights that are given the rest of The Georgian People, and any that attack them or persecute them in any way, should be vigorously prosecuted by the Georgian authorities. If these people declare that they are citizens of Georgia and wish to dwell in peace with their neighbors, they should be given every opportunity to do so. God wants The Georgian People to be given justice, but He does not want any abuse to occur.

God would appreciate it very much if The Georgian People should draw up a contract, a covenant with Him, promising that if God reunites their territories and gets the world's forces to protect them against further Russian aggression they will abide by the terms of His wishes and treat the ethnic Russians in the manner that he wishes, punishing only those who have committed atrocities. God will permit that they word this contract as they see fit, as long as it includes all the terms that have been stated here, and that they either send a representative to Demetrius with a copy of this agreement that has been signed by their President, so that Demetrius may sign it also, as God's representative on Earth, and thereby make it binding, or invite Demetrius to Georgia and have him sign this agreement there as God's representative.

God believes that such an act would bear witness to Demetrius' authority. He would appreciate it if The Pope would encourage The People Of Georgia to fulfill God's wishes and make this agreement in exchange for his services. God also asks The Archbishop Of Canterbury to encourage the Georgians to fulfill God's wishes, and He asks the leader of the Orthodox church to take part in this agreement. He would appreciate it if they also would sign this contract as representatives of God bearing witness to the authority of God's servant. This recognition would glorify them for all time and insure the world that they are seeking justice for all of God's people. God considers this a small gesture, a tiny effort, part of the greater effort to restore Georgia's soveriegnty. He believes it will be a message to the world that when The People Of Georgia have their sovereignty they will use it justly and fairly, seek justice but not vengeance. And I think it would be an example to the world, of the way Demetrius desires that things be done, the kind of a leader he would make. He would not tolerate aggression, but he would do all in his power to protect the innocent people the aggressor was using, as God demands.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
By The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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