Spell Of Protection

Before beginning any other spell, The Spell Of Protection must be carried out.
Place in your candle holder the appropriate candle for the type of spell you are going to cast, and set it in the center of the room and light it. It is appropriate to use the same room in which your altar is arranged., but if this cannot be done, another room in the same house may be used.
Place before the candle holder your paper and pen. Take your Staff and hold it by its larger end and point the smallest as far away from you within the room as you can reach. Starting at north and turning to your right with your back to the candle, repeat this prayer three times, once with every revolution.

"We ask Our Blessed Fathers and Holy Mothers to surround us with The Great White Light of Their Protection and to remove all evil from within and without our auras, that we may do Their Holy Will."

With this completed you are surrounded with an invisible shield that drives away all Spirits of a lower nature and the channel is opened for The Lords to hear your prayer. Now you can carry on any other spell.

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