Right Of Arms

Every good Christian in The United States should support his right to keep and bear arms, and the right of every other American citizen to keep and bear arms. Every person has the right to defend their person and, their property and the right to keep arms to do so is recognized by God as a Divine Right. A true Christian should be able to defend themselves and their neighbors if they and their neighbors are unwarrantedly attacked. If a man's house is burning his neighbors will run to his aide. If a man's home is violated, his neighbors should run to his aide just as much.
It is not arms that are wrong, it is the public's acceptance that those who misuse arms should not be punished to the full extent of God's Law, but should be forgiven, allowed to go free to misuse arms again. Until The American Public comes to their senses and understands that people who keep weapons are not criminals but the people that misuse them are every person MUST stand for their right to have weapons to defend themselves with. Of course reason must prevail. An ordinary citizen doesn't need a machine gun or a rocket launcher, or, hand grenades....weapons of war. These most certainly SHOULD be banned, but ordinary rifles, ordinary pistols, are acceptable for self defense and should not be prohibited. This is simply rational.

Registration of Arms

Every good Christian should resist laws requiring that individuals register any weapons they have. This is the first means of a state becoming dictatorial, being able to know who in every community has weapons, makes it easy for them to gather them when they wish to enforce their will. The first thing the dictatorwants is to maike the common people helpless to defend themselves.

The American people or any other people should not allow the dictators to get a foothold to establish control. That is why they must resist the Registration of arms. Too many times those that didn't found themselves defenseless when the dictators took power. No Christian should ever be defenseless. Though God understands those who do not wish to harm others and will not do so even in the worst of circumstances He also understands those who will protect themselves, and, the innocent.

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