
It should be the purpose of every Christian to ban the teaching of racism in The United States. God fully understands that each religious group will feel that their way is the best way. The Jews, the Catholics, the Prostentants, the Muslims, all will feel their way is the best, and this is understandable, it is the nature of man. But God is a God of love, not of hate, and when people start to say, "Hate those that are different, despise those that won't do things your way!" they have ceased to be Children Of God and begun to follow the creatures of Darkness.
God created all men in His image. God is every hue, every nationality, every religion. The aspect of God is everywhere, in every man, and for any to say that we are God's only way, and all that disobey us, that will not follow us, must be destroyed, are not of God, and never will be of God. They follow the creatures of Eternal Night. They follow hate, ignorance, and greed, which are not of God, but of man.
So the teachings of racism are not the teachings of God, but the teachings of evil men that must be fought. The people of God ally themselves with all that is good, and seperate themselves from all that is evil. Those who teach hatred are evil, and must be opposed. Those that accept them, in the name of harmony, in the name of understanding, are not of God.

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