Juvenile Laws

All good Christians in America should strive for the abolishment of all juvenile laws and courts. Why? Because such ideas that children should have different laws from those of everyone else is blasphemy to God. God creates each soul perfect, knowing right and wrong, and not desiring to do any evil. It is MAN that corrupts young souls, that teaches them to do evil.
By making special laws for children saying that they cannot be punished because they are unaware of what they are doing, denies God's perfection, denies God's truth, and no Christian can allow this.
Each must be accountable for his or her acts according to God's law, and none can be set aside, none can be made immune to God's law. This is simply not permissible. If a child kills they should be punished in the exact same way an ADULT is punished, for the same crime. If a child steals it should be the same punishment given an adult who steals.
Certain concessions can be made for first offenses, but if a child does not learn that man has taught them wrongly when they taught them to do evil, then they must be put away in a safe place where they cannot any longer, harm themselves, or, others.
This is God's way and it should be the Christian's way.

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