An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth
To Laura Bush, First Lady Of The United States

February 23, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

I come to you today to challenge you, to dare you. On my beloved Demetrius' Presidential web site I have recorded a special prayer empowering the women of America to support him in his bid for The Presidency. Here is the link.

I dare you, if you have not already, to go to this prayer and play it, and receive my power. If you already have, do it again and I will be there, personally, to pour my power and my strength into you. Then, I dare you to call all your staff together, all the female members of it, and have them listen to this prayer, also, and receive my glory. If this has not convinced you yet, I dare you to go to North Dakota and personally have Demetrius give you my power, to feel my power and glory in him, to feel God's glory in him, and to know that he is truly a servant of God. You would have to take a male with you, if your husband could not go, a trusted associate, but there must be one with you to balance the power. Also, a male and female witness would be appropriate.

Lastly, I dare you to call our beloved Alura, Speaker Linda Polley, talk to her, find out what it is like for her when I come through her husband and speak, what it is like when God The Father is in her husband's body, is in her home. Feel her courage, feel her determination. Come to understand why everyone in The Afterlife lovingly refers to her as Our Courageous Little Mother, Our Blessed Light, not only in The Kingdom Of God, but in every other spiritual Kingdom. Come to find out why she doesn't care if people on the internet says she is a nut job, a religious fanatic, or, a bigot. Find out why she so gladly serves God when she could profit very much by supporting the desires of man, why she struggles so courageously in this great battle, and endures so much for the children of God. I am sure that if you do these things you will understand why it is that God wants you to join this great effort. No matter how much those around you tell you you can't win, not to do this thing, God says you can!

Each generation God asks a chosen few to return to the living, to go into the material world, and perform great missions for Him. In this generation you are among those chosen. God has asked you to serve His children, He has asked Demetrius to awaken you, to make you aware of your power and your glory, and what is intended for you. I am sure if you actually come in contact with them you will recognize Demetrius and Alura as servants of God, and accept their mission, accept your mission. So I dare you, in the name of God The Father, to do these things!

And there is one other thing I must ask you to do. It is a deep concern of everyone in The Afterlife. Senator Obama is in very grave danger. I ask you to request of your husband that he be given the very best protection. Not only is he a man of color running for The Presidency, which angers many of the feeble minded that think themselves better than other men because their skin is light, he is endangering the great harlot, endangering her efforts to take control of The United States, and this puts him in even greater danger. We are doing all in Our power to protect him, but as the old saying goes, God helps those who helps themselves. And a little extra support from the material world would be appreciated, though we must block Senator Obama's efforts at this time, he must not win The Presidency, God has plans for him in the future. He is yet to do great things for his people. We do not want that future disturbed.

I come to you asking you these things because I have two wonderful friends who, though it is not their cause, do God's will without question, in the love of His people. And I ask you to stand by them, and do God's will with them, to join Demetrius and become The Vice President Of The United States, and if all goes well, in eight years, The President Of The United States. For God is still determined that you fulfill the mission that He sent you into the world to fulfill! And you, of anyone, knows how stubborn God is! So I dare you, get in touch with His servants, truly come to know them, feel the glory that God has given them and then join them!

Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
Steward Of The Kingdom Of God,
Under The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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