through me. I thought 'How could any man be so good? From where does such strength come?' I knew at that moment I would serve him. I would learn what he taught, but that was all."
18 Smiling Fox nodded. "That is quite enough," he said, "quite enough indeed. When one seeks The Power of Love, he seeks The Lords."
19 There was a rap on the door, and Smiling Fox opened it. The luggage boy came in with a cart. "Your breakfast, gentlemen," he announced. "Shall I make reservations for mid-day and evening?"
20 "Yes," agreed Smiling Fox, giving the man a five credit note. "We will be staying around the hotel today, and going out tomorrow. The luggage boy nodded.
21 They ate a leisurely breakfast, and when they were done, Bullet took out The Writings of Spirit and looked at Smiling Fox. "I've got a lot to learn," he announced. "Start teaching me! I've got a vague idea about The Festival of The Journey. That's when your people came from Tr and settled in your Holy Land. I know on THAT Day you set off fireworks, dance in the street, have parades, and worship, that many of your people journey to Northern to pray at The Temple there, and to receive a Blessing.
22 That there is a stone by The Old Fox's grave they consider sacred because it shed tears when he was buried. They come to touch it."
23 "It appears," marveled Smiling Fox, "you know more about our customs than you think!"
24 "That's the ONLY one I know," admitted Bullet. "How do you celebrate this Visitation Day?"
25 "Well, first of all," began Smiling Fox, "a few days before we clean our house from top to bottom. We gather up any worn or old clothes and distribute the ones we don't need to the poor.
26 The day before The Celebration we bathe, saying a special prayer that goes- "Lords, as I wash my flesh, let

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