Section 30

The Republic shall recognize all titles of nobility recognized by the people of other nations and shall recognize the religious leaders of other nations according to the principles of Spiritist belief. Any persons of so called royal birth who become citizens of The Republic may run for any political office within the territories where they reside and hold any office that the people desire that they should hold. If any nation chooses to become part of The Republic any persons recognized as their leaders will be respected by The Republic, unless the citizens of that country ask by popular vote to change to The Republic system with the consent of their present rulers.

Section 31

The Dragon shall have the right in times of emergency, to borrow funds from other nations to support important efforts, or to receive grants from other nations free will offerings to assist its people. When it can The Republic will make loans to other nations. The Dragon shall see to it that no excessive interest is put upon these loans, or, that The Repubic shall not be required to pay any excessive amount for any funds borrowed. Any theft of any funds that The Republic loans to any other country shall be harshly punished, and the theft of any funds that The Republic has borrowed shall also be punished harshly.

Section 32

At no time shall the National Dragon or any state Dragon or any local government pass legislation forbidding the people to gather in peaceful protest. As long as these protests do not unfairly block the public way or block public commerce the people's right to gather and express their opinion shall not be hindered. But any persons engaging in violence at any protests against any individuals, protesters or opposers shall be seized by the authorities and held for judgment according to the General Statutes.

Secondly, no municipal government shall require that any persons holding a demonstration purchase a permit to do so. Civil authorities may request 72 hour notice of a major demonstration. But they may not, in any way, try to restrict peoples' right to protest and protests held on private property may not be interfered with, whatsoever. Municipalities have control only over public areas of a city. If any individual gives demonstrations the right to use his or her property no city official may interfere with that right.

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