The Dragon shall make laws prohibiting the use of obscene language, and obscenity is clearly understood. Any slang words pertaining to intimacy, any words pertaining to body waste, any words pertaining to the sexual organs are considered by The Republic to be obscene and not acceptable to be used in public. On occasion when extremely enraged an individual may slip and use a couple of improper words. The circumstances of these occasions shall be taken into consideration and such occasions forgiven. But these words shall not be used in every day language, on the street or, in places of employment. A person can express themselves without being vulgar.

Nor shall any person wear garments with expressions or words on them considered to be obscene solely for the purpose of drawing attention to themselves and irritating others that are offended by these words. Such persons may be severely punished according to The Book Of General Statutes. Nor may any individuals wear any garments displaying pictures or images of persons or animals in intimate relations. Such is totally unacceptable. People are required to show some common sense and some understanding for others' feelings. Those who do not are not worthy to be called citizens, and forfeit those rights.

Section 23

It shall be the responsibility of The Dragon to regulate through its agencies all substances that are sold in The Republic for the treatments of any illnesses. These agencies shall have the right to declare what medications are safe and unsafe, and how they should be properly used. Any persons distributing medications in a manner not approve of by these agencies shall be punished severely according to the common statutes.

It shall also be the responsibility of The Dragon to declare what substances used for intoxicants are legal and illegal. The penalties for producing, transporting, selling, and using illegal substances shall be severe. To make a better understanding of what substances are being spoken of we will mention a few here to give a common guideline for legislators to follow. Marijuana, heroine, cocaine, methamphetamine are totally illegal substances. Caffeine, and nicotine are controlled substances and may be distributed only according to the guidelines laid out by the common statutes, and used only according to those guidelines. Dangerous substances that can do harm if misused must be controlled, and those that would exploit the peoples' weakness in desiring to use them must be punished! Any individuals trying to legalize substances that have ben declared illegal shall be removed from their office and prohibited from ever holding any public office again. People must not be allowed to sell dangerous substances to enrich themselves.

Section 24

It shall be the responsibility of The Dragon to issue the currency that will be used in The Republic, and to recognize what currencies will be accepted in exchange.

The currency used in The Republic shall be called the credit because it is what is being given in exchange for labor and goods. One credit shall equal 100 points. Those points shall be made into coinage of a value of 1 point, 5 points, 10 points, 25 points, 50 points. The credits shall have a value of 1 credit, 5 credits, 10 credits, 50 credits, 100 credits, and 500 credits. No bill should be produced over 500 credits. Any larger amounts shall be issued by a bank covering the amount in a security bond, stating that it is worth the amount shown. That the individual or company issuing the bond has enough funds in that bank to cover the certificate. These certificates shall be considered the same as any credit note, and be exchangable anywhere. The slogan on the Spiritist credit shall be "Ls El Na" which means "Trust Evil Not." The back of each note shall show a scene of The Ancient Worlds. On the one credit shall be a scene from the planet Hades. On the five credit shall be a scene from the world of Haven. On the ten credit shall be a scene from the planet Peepi. On the fifty credit shall be a scene with the three Old Races together. On the hundred credit shall be a scene of a Haven and the Ancient Earth People. On the five hundred shall be a scene of the modern human people. On the front of each bill shall be a scene from the nation where it is issued, and an image honoring a previous ruler.

Banks and other financial institutions may issue cards of credit with a limit to the amount of credit that an individual can use. In exchange the individual shall pay a monthly interest fee to the bank for the use of that credit. The bank may charge a reasonable amount of interest for the use of this credit, but that amount shall not exceed 10% of whatever is owed. Any institution that charges over the set maximum may be severely fined, or in some cases taken over by the government until such time as responsible owners can be found. Any executives of any financial institution charging interest over the maximum can be prosecuted under the statutes of the common law.

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