Financial institutions may take property as collateral for a loan. But common sense and fairness must be taken into consideration if the individuals taking out those loans run into difficulty. If there should be death, national disasters, or financial upheaval lenders should have understanding, and in some cases decrease the interest the loaner is required to pay or set it aside completely until they become financially able to make reasonable payments again, requiring only that the loaner pay on the principle as much as they can. It is the goal of The Republic to respect the individual's property as much as possible, and financial institutions within The Republic should do so, also. Those who think only of profit are not looked upon kindly by those who dwell in The Republic.

Section 25

It shall be the responsibility of The Republic through The Dragon to protect the property of its citizens both material and, intellectual. Offices of patent protection and copyright protection shall be established, fulfilling these criteria.

Firstly, any machine developed by any person or, any programs necessary to run those machines shall be the property of the individual that develops them, exclusively for thirty years. No government agency or private individual shall interfere with the person's right to produce and distribute these products in any way. If an individual so desires they may obtain a fifteen year extension on their rights. But individuals may at that time, petition the government for permission to copy the machines and programs under the condition that 50% of their profits go to the creator. Private ownership, no matter how lucrative, is not a monopoly. One has a right to what they've created, and The Republic shall protect these rights and shall not allow them to be violated by any nation or individual. To the people of The Republic the right of property is sacred, and cannot be denied unless it is found that an individual is involved in criminal activity that under the law demands that their property be seized and used to reimburse any they have wronged. But only under these circumstances can property be seized.

Secondly, The Republic shall establish laws protecting an individual's literary rights. An individual shall have the rights to any character they create. No character they create shall be copied and given another name by any other individual. Any stories that they create are their property for eternity, and will be protected by the law. No individual should be allowed to reproduce these stories in part or in whole, without the consent of the owner of the property. To do so shall be a felony punishable as laid out in the general statutes. A person's literary rights shall have no period of limitation. They shall last forever. The rights to any profit created by their works shall be an inheritance to their children for all times. If it is necessary for the government to seize someone's literary property because of criminal activity, as soon as the debts that they have incurred by that illegal activity are paid, the literary rights shall be returned to their descendants, who shall have all control of them from that point on. These are absolute rights that no future leader of the nation may change or, that no future Dragon shall alter. Any individuals attempting to do so shall be removed from their offices and prohibited from ever serving the public again. This is how strongly The Lords desire that the rights of Their people be protected.

Section 26

As a woman's rights are recognized as equal in The Republic divorce proceedings shall not favor men in any situation. No children shall be taken away from their mother and given to their father unless it is clearly proved that the mother is unfit and a danger to the children. Any persons in the legal system that treat men with greater favor in the divorce process and show prejudice against women shall be swiftly removed from their positions. A woman shall have the right to 50% of anything that her husband has gained during their marriage, and up to 10% of what he had before they were wed. If they own a home together that home should become the property of the wife if there are children so that she may have a place to properly care for them. Some means of settlement may be arranged that the husband be reimbursed for half the amount that he has put into a shelter. But there are circumstances under which a woman is to be given absolute control of the estate should a divorce be necessary.

First if a husband has repeatedly beat his wife and, or, his children, rather than common disciplining them, the divorce shall be granted in the woman's favor immediately and the husband shall be prosecuted according to the general statutes, as any other person would be who has committed assault.

Secondly, if it is found that a husband has been having intimate relations with his children, male or female, the woman's divorce shall be immediately granted and the husband shall be prosecuted to the full extent of the general statutes.

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