December 5, 1998
Channeled Through; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

Barely had the spaceship bearing Mary's Soul ascended into the stars than thousands of Souls came to Jesus' Palace. Peter went out asking them what they wanted.
"Lord," the spokesman said, "we wish to resign our positions. We can no longer work with The Children Of The Lords, they have betrayed us, they have taken Our Lady away. They are worse than this one we fight. We cannot be with them. We ask that you release us from our service."
Peter stared at them for what seemed to be an eternity. "Did I not tell you," he began, "that this was to be forgotten? How were we to keep Our Lady here if she decided to leave? Were we to bind her? Were we to imprison her? What were we to do? She desired to leave. Our friends arranged for her to depart. It was not their desire, it was not their fault. No! I will not permit you to resign. If you wish to leave your posts you may do so, but when you do so, you also leave The Kingdom Of God. If you desert us now, if you refuse to carry on your duties in this dark hour, then you are not of us, you are of The Darkness. The Dark One (Bill Clinton) has taken your reason.
You may leave your posts, it is your choice. I have even called those who have already resigned to me, and asked them to return to their duties, because of the desperation of the hour. And they have all knelt before me pledging their loyalty to The Kingdom Of God and obedience to Him that sits upon Its Throne. Paul, come forth!"
The Apostle Paul joined Peter on the balcony. "Is what I say untrue?" he asked.
"No," Paul answered, "it is true." He turned toward the crowd. "I have knelt before The Throne Of God, and pledged absolute loyalty to The Kingdom Of God, and to Him that sits upon Its Throne, and asked forgiveness for the mistakes that I made."
"See?" Peter announced, "All those who have left their posts have returned to them. Now, return to yours, do your duties, do Their will. Work twice as hard as you have ever worked before. Give EVERYTHING that you have. Those we love have departed from us, perhaps to test us, to test our loyalty to see if we would obey in their absence, to see if we were worthy to return to. We WILL be worthy! We WILL work as one, we WILL defeat this Dark One (Bill Clinton), we WILL overcome this evil! Now go, return to your duties, or, leave The Kingdom Of God!"
The crowd quickly departed. All returned to their duties. It appears Peter is taking control.

December 6, 1998
Channeled Through: Speaker Gerald Polley

Since Mary's departure we have lost 14 more Souls to The Second Death bringing the total to 69, to which Clinton and his followers will be held accountable. Peter called the oher Apostles before him and gave this order.
"The time has come for us to go on the offensive. Thusfar we have only withdrawn our support, our counsel, and, our protection. Now we must begin to attack. We must put our entire effort into destroying The United States' economic prosperity. We must make them begin to suffer, as they, in their greed, have made the rest of the world suffer. It is their illusion of the prosperity they believe The Dark One (Bill Clinton) is giving them that keeps The Dark One in power. We must bring that prosperity to an end, and take his power away from him. We must destroy their new god, and this is the only way we can do so.
I send you out now. Take away from them that which they do not deserve. Make them suffer as they, in their greed, have made others suffer.
This is not our will, it is not what we want, but if it is the only thing they will understand it is what we must do.
Those are my instructions. Go! Carry them out!"

December 7, 1998
Channeled Through; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

We have received several requests for information on Mary's itinerary as she travels through the galaxy. We will try to provide a little information. I don't know what race had the ship that originally picked her up. But she was passed off a few hours later, to a Mora cruiser, and is now en route to their territory. Though officially atheist, the Mora do have one religion that strongly resembles Judaism and they are anxious for Mary to visit.
She will probably spend four months travelling through the Mora systems, probably spending at least a month on the Mora home world. She will then travel on to Squiggle territory, where she will probably spend two months. Though The Squiggles have no religion comparable to Christianity, they are still very excited to have Mary visit, as they consider her a Mother Of Mothers, a Giver Of Life.
After The Squiggles, Mary will enter into the territory of The Ashtarians. As The Ashtarians have a religion virtually identical to Catholocism they are extremely anxious to have Mary visit. Mary hopes to take advantage of the visit to assure The Ashtarians that the people of Earth are no longer their enemies, that they understand that their agents among us are acting on their own initiative and no longer obeying the orders of their government. She plans to spend about four months on Ashtaria.
Then Mary plans to visit the Shotee who have a religion very much like Islam. They do not normally allow guests, but they are anxious to have her visit, as Mary hopes to renew some old acquaintances with them. She plans to spend about two months on their home world. After that, she is not exactly sure where she will go, but I'm sure before she is ready to leave an invitation will come from somewhere. But it is certainly obvious Mary is going to be quite busy in the next few months!
Back issues of our magazine are still available giving nice descriptions of the members of The Galactic Community, and also containing many other articles of interest. Each back issue is $1.00 and may be ordered from the following address. Spiritist Publications, P.O. Box 4301, Portland, ME 04101. Please include the name of the race and the volume number listed below.

The Ashtarians-Vol. 11 No. 8, January, 1998
The Mora-
Vol. 10 No. 2, July, 1996
The Squiggle-
Vol. 10 No. 3, January, 1997
The Shotee-
Vol. 12 No. 4, November,

December 8, 1998
Channeled Through: Speaker Gerald A. Polley

When news of Peter's order to destroy the U.S. economy reached those who had betrayed Jesus, an instant panic ensued in them. They quickly gathered a committee and sent them to see Peter, but they were stopped at the entrance to The Kingdom Of God and permitted to go no further.
"Peter will not see you," the Guard announced.
"Please!" the group's leader begged, "at least take him our message. Beg of him do not destroy a peoples' prosperity. Their prosperity is the only thing that is keeping many of our churches going. If they lose their prosperity they will fail. They will not be able to sustain themselves. Think of the good they do, the hungry they feed, the sick they care for! Please! Please have mercy upon the innocent!"
The Guard's Spirit was softened, and he sent a messenger to Peter with their words. Peter's reply came quickly.
"Tell them to go away!" he answered, "Tell them to think of those their people have enslaved to sustain their wealth. Tell them to think of the children that have been worked to death so they may give a tiny portion of their wealth to the poor. Tell them to think of those that have been murdered to keep their Dark One (Bill Clinton) in power. They know not Our Lord, He is not in their hearts, only the greed for wealth for material abundance rules them. They have a greater god than Our Father. Send them away!"
Hearing this the members of the committee gave a horrid cry, fled into The Darkness and perished, almost as one; twenty-four souls poisoned by the Dark One in the White House. Twenty-four more souls perished, making a total of 101. Those responsible WILL be held accountable, they WILL be!

December 9, 1998
Channeled Through; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

Well, we finally have some GOOD news to report after all the bad things that have been going on for the last few months! Everyone in The Kingdom Of God was so impressed on how John Lennon had led the Hevenly chorus at Mary's departure that they begged Peter to have him continue to lead the chorus. Bach begged of Peter that he acquire his assistance because they had lost several of their leaders in the recent unpleasantness, and the Sabbath celebrations were suffering.
Peter listened to their pleas and requested that Lennon visit him. Lennon did so and Peter pleaded with him to help the chorus. "This is our darkest hour," Peter explained. Our need is desperate! I understand your need for separation, but the Sabbath is the only relief many have for the agony that is now oppressing us. And the chorus is one of the few joys we can still allow them. Your talent is desperately needed! I would punish you in no way if you refused. You have every right to your privacy, and you are welcome to stay with us as long as you desire. But I would appreciate it very much, if you would assist the chorus' weary director. His duties are so many and he has so few to help him that have the great talent that you possess. DO help us! Heaven needs your skills!"
Lennon hesitated for a few moments, and then shrugged. "They're going to laugh back home!" he remarked. "They probably won't believe it! But very well. To tell you the truth, I rather enjoyed my last effort. It was nice to be working again. And the audiences are much more subdued. Yes, I will take the position."
"Excellent!" Peter cried, "Excellent! I hope in the future, you will add some greater hymns to the chorus' repertoire."
"I HOPE," Lennon put in, "I PRAY that the circumstances never present themselves that I need create another work such as the one I created before."
"Let us pray," Peter answered, "let us pray that you never have to again."
With that Lennon bowed politely and departed. He went off to join Bach and begin his work. Of course he was immediately besieged by those who wanted to spread the word of the occasion. "Not a moment's peace!" Lennon laughed. But he answered the peoples' questions and they departed to inform The Spirit World that the Heavenly chorus now had a new assistant director.
I cannot say I am not pleased. I think Mr. Lennon's talents have been wasted for far too long, far, far too long.

* * * * * *

We are constantly asked, "If Jesus and Mary are gone from Heaven, who are we supposed to pray to?" Actually the Souls in Heaven do not pray to Jesus and Mary to begin with. It was decided that a prayer would be selected as an example for the living, and be sent to show them how the people in The Spirit Realm prayed, and give them an idea of how they should pray. I would not have liked to have been on the committee selecting the representative prayer! But they finally made a selection. It is below. I will leave it to you to decide on it. I will make no comment, whatever.

* * *

Our Father, who is here in Heaven, holy be Your Name. Your Kingdom won, Your Glory done forever, here in Heaven.
O Lord I pray to You in this, our darkest hour, that You return to us O Lord, Your Beloved Son, for we cannot, O Lord, endure without His love. We are sinners, O Lord, and go astray without His guidance. We are lost, O Lord, without His Light.
O Lord, we cannot be without His Voice to tell us what to do. Without Him, O Lord, we are nothing at all. He must return to us, O Lord, He must be with us again or we cannot be.
Help Peter, O Lord, Your Faithful Servant, to be strong in His stead. Let him lead us well until Your Son returns unto us.
We pray also, O Lord, that Our Lady return unto us, for though she will not let us worship her, she, too, is our Light Without End, and we cannot endure, O Father, without her, for long. Bring her home, O Father, bring her our love that all may be well in Heaven.
Forgive, O Lord, those who have offended you. They know not what they do. They are, O Lord, without hope. Give them hope, O Lord, give them hope.
This, in The Name Of Your Love, I pray.

Father James Wheeler

December 10, 1998

Greetings, Senator!

I am Speaker Gerald Polley, an internationally known psychic working out of Portland, Maine. I do radio interviews on what is happening in The Spirit Realm across the country and around the world. Recently we have been reporting on what has been going on in The Spirit Realm over the Clinton impeachment mess.
We have told how Spirits in The Kingdom Of God betrayed Jesus for Clinton, how Jesus has resigned and disappeared, how all those who support him were given thirty days to repent and withdraw their support, or be banished from The Kingdom Of God forever. Those thirty days have passed, those souls, those individuals, are useless to anyone. Now those that survive The Second Death will wander The Spirit World aimlessly forever, refusing to swear allegiance to anyone. Because the American people continue to support Clinton, because they believe he gives them economic wealth, souls in The Spirit Realm are dying The Second Death who could easily be saved.
Because of all this Peter, who is now in charge of The Kingdom Of God, has ordered all of his people to put their full efforts into destroying the U.S. economy to take away from the American people what they love the most, what they worship the most. In essence he has declared war on The United States, and especially on all those who support Bill Clinton. All the other Kingdoms in The Spirit World have come forward and pledged absolute support of Peter's decree, and declared that they will do all in their power to support his effort no matter what misery it causes their own people, The Dark One ruling The United States must be defeated, and The Kingdom Of God restored.
As it is unfair to declare war on a people and not let them know that they are at odds with another nation I have been asked on behalf of all in The Spirit World, not just The Kingdom Of God, but every power that exists there, to inform the leaders of The United States Of America that hostilities now exist between them and Those that dwell in The World Hereafter. That all Those in The World Hereafter have pledged Themselves to put all Their efforts into destroying the economy of The United States, to perhaps bring about the circumstances that will destroy The United States forever, and cease its influence on the world forever. That as long as Bill Clinton is in power, as long as he rules The United States these attacks will continue. And once they are set in motion they cannot be stopped. Once the circumstances are begun it is almost impossible to reverse them.
They will stop Their attacks as soon as Bill Clinton is no longer President of The United States, not a moment before, and whatever befalls The United States because of their actions up until that point of time, will be the responsibility of the people of The United States, and those that represent them. They will be held accountable for all the suffering and despair they bring upon their people.
This is all I can say to you. I have fulfilled my duties. I have warned you what is happening, and, have told you what will happen. I do not know how to make you understand that what I am saying is absolutely true, that I truly represent Those in The Spirit Realm. A thousand voices are now speaking to you, saying "Please! Please listen! What this one says is true." If you refuse to hear Them, there is nothing I can do. You will have to answer to Them later, and explain to Them why you would not hear. I bid you good day.

Speaker Gerald A. Polley

P.S. For full information on what has been happening in The Spirit Realm visit our web site and begin reading at

Radio Station E Mails Page 6

December 13, 1998
Channeled Through; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

The instability in The Spirit Realm Continues. There was a confrontation in The Kingdom Of God yesterday between Catholics and Protestants. A rumor spread that a well known American Bishop was encouraging his followers to hold back on destroying the American economy. Protestant leaders confronted him. He assured them that he was doing his utmost to fulfill Peter's decree, that none of his people were holding back in any way. All there should have known he was speaking truthfully, but the distrust that Jesus ' betrayal has caused confused them. Tensions grew and there was violent confrontations for several hours until peace was restored.
Peter was very angry, but because of the pleas from The Catholics expelled no one from The Kingdom Of God, but gave a harsh warning that no more such incidences were to occur.
That a Dark One in the material world creates such havoc in The Spiritual World is still inconceivable. Many still do not understand how Clinton's power is so destroying the harmony of The Kingdom Of God, how he is channeling the energy from his earthly supporters into such attacks. But we can only report their effects are devastating.

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