November 11, 1998
Channeled Through; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

Spirit World still reeling from Jesus' abdication and disappearance. The cry everywhere, even in those sectors where He does not rule, is "Where is Jesus? What is He doing? He could not have forsaken us! What can we do? He must return!"
Even those who recently betrayed Him are completely stunned. "We only wanted to think for ourselves a little," some of them are saying, "we only wanted to follow some of our own desires. We never intended this, never! We don't understand why what we did was so bad, we just don't understand!"
There has been much anger expressed at them because of this attitude, and they have to be heavily guarded at all times, to protect them from those who want to drive them into The Darkness.
All Veterans Day celebrations in the American sectors, both in The Kingdom Of God and, the Spiritist Republic, have been cancelled. No one feels they are appropriate at this time. Everyone's desire now, is to put Their full efforts into fulfilling Jesus' desires in the hope that if things start to go as He wanted them, perhaps He will return, and retake His Throne. It is not known how long The Kingdom Of God can continue without Him. Peter is doing an excellent job. He is praised by all, but he is not Jesus. He is simply not Jesus.

November 13, 1998
Channeled Through; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

One of the radio stations calling my wife asked the profound question, "If Jesus has left Heaven, who are we to pray to?" Though Peter is extremely busy, I considered this an important enough question to send my Worker to him. He greeted her warmly and heard what she had to say, then shook his head and wrung his hands in despair.
"Oh, merciful Lord," he cried, "how can they be so lost? How can they have forgotten everything Your Beloved Son taught them? Why do they profess such ignorance? Dear lady, return to my brother Demetrius, and tell him this. Foolish, ignorant people! Open your Bibles to Luke 11: 1 and read. Read what The Lord has taught you. Read and understand the wisdom that was given you. WHY, why do you have to be told what you have already been taught?
I am busy, I have no time for such foolishness. Go! Go and tell them what I have said, and tell them also, love The Lord, do His Will, keep His Law. Do not let your leaders profane it."
This is the end of Peter's comments, and, this transmission.

(ADDITION) I was speaking to a radio station today and mentioned that all newspapers from the material world are copied and distributed throughout The Spirit Realm. I did not have the heart to tell them that I had already been told today, that because of the desperate need of energy in The Spirit Realm this service was being curtailed. Only select radio stations will be retransmitted until this crisis is concluded.

November 16, 1998
Channeled Through; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

Conditions in The Spirit Realm continue to deteriorate. As I mentioned in our last transmission all t.v. and radio broadcasts from the material realm have been discontinued except for a handful of key radio stations. All newspapers have been discontinued. Now, all entertainment centers have been closed, all theaters and theme parks shut down for the duration of this emergency; not just in The Kingdom Of God, but everywhere in The Spirit Realm. All persons involved in these pursuits are being commandeered to help in the effort.
We were in desperate need of more Spirits to guide the living, to help break through this Dark One's power. We simply did not have enough manpower. I, personally, went to Peter and begged him that he return some of his Workers to those in The United States. "Just guidance," I told him, "just to whisper good advice in their ears, to try to open their eyes to what is happening."
"No!" Peter answered, "The Lord's instructions were precise. We are to abandon them completely. The Dark One rules them. They do not know us any more."
A thought occurred to me. "We have an offer of help," I told him, "from The Buddhists and The Hindus. Their leaders are willing to give us helpers, but they can only spare a few. They have their own problems. Could you send your people to work with them? That would free millions of experienced Spirit Guides to come and help us. I don't think this would, in any way, be violating Jesus' orders.
Peter contemplated for a moment. "They would provide guidance, only," he asked, "no protection, just guidance?"
"Just guidance," I promised, "if they will not follow it we will not interfere in what fate befalls them."
Peter nodded. "Agreed!" he answered. "I think The Lord would accept the proposal, therefore I will. I will give the order immediately!"
I thanked him and bid him leave. It will help, it will certainly help.

November 19, 1998
Channeled Through; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

Sometimes amidst tragic circumstances you can make some simple errors that can deeply offend old and cherished friends. Yesterday a committee came to Peter made up of Odin, Zeus, several of the Pharaohs, and, The God and Goddess Of Wicca. Odin spoke for the group, saying,
"Lord Peter, how have we offended you? Why have we been so slighted? Those who worship Buddha, and, those who practice the Hindu faith have been called to your aid and you have gladly accepted their assistance. Why is it WE have not been called? What have we done that has offended you?"
Peter sat on The Throne Of Heaven totally bewildered. "Noble Lord Of Asgard," he finally managed, "I do not understand! I swear to you, no offense was intended. It was known that you and those with you are already valliant allies of Demetrius' people. That you have fought the creatures of Darkness beside him many times. It was considered that your assistance would be unquestioned. In NO way would we slight ANY here! All present have dined with Our Lord, and He, on many occasions, has accepted their hospitality. I beg your forgiveness! Whatever help you can give will be gratefully accepted. Tell me what you desire!"
"We desire," Odin answered, "that The Lord From Haven return to His Throne. HIS KINGDOM MUST NOT PERISH. This Dark One who has led His people astray must be battled.
For a time we will set aside our own efforts. We ask that you send but a few people to watch over some of our children, so we may put all that we have, all of our strength, all of our power into this battle. This Lord Of Darkness must be defeated. ALL effort must be put into this. We are yours to command!"
Peter came down from the Throne and seized Odin's shoulders. "I am honored," he cried, "honored that in our Hour Of Need such as these come to assist us! If we made offense, it was without intent, and your gracious forgiveness brings us joy. That which you offer I accept, in The name of all who dwell in The Kingdom Of God. Let us go forth and continue the battle!"
Odin and the others bowed to him and without further conversation departed, their feelings soothed. Their reinforcements have joined the battle, and they are joyously welcomed.

November 20, 1998
Channeled Through; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

A radio station I was talking to yesterday was kind of kidding around and asked as where Jesus had left The Kingdom Of God and no one knows where He is, should they cancel Christmas?
Well, actually, those in The Spirit Realm celebrate Christmas on September 29th, and pay very little attention to the Earthly celebration. However, I should mention that Thanksgiving celebrations have been canceled, and so have all New Year's festivities, not only in The Kingdom Of God, but throughout The Spirit World.
It is sincerely felt that there is nothing to be joyous about, or any happiness to celebrate. And as they listen to The House Impeachment Hearings on the few stations they are still able to receive, their depression grows even more desperate. There is little, VERY little in the Spirit Realm to be happy about.

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