April 4, 2,003
What Muhammed Offers

As a reward to The Islamic People for obeying his wishes Muhammed had the dead zone in Mecca opened this morning long enough for those souls trapped in it to escape into The Afterlife, relieving the agony and pressure there.  As I said, the gifts to those that do what is right are tremendous.

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April 7, 2,003
Jesus Strikes

Boy, how quickly all your plans can be thrown asunder!  Our email this morning was supposed to be about how John Lennon was so upset because the American troops are not singing the "Hussein's Butt Song," and that he cannot understand why his work is not accepted in the material world.  But what Jesus has done overnight has changed all that.  Jesus made the statement Saturday in our email releasing this week's "Here's Jesus!" segments, that He was going after the American media, the companies that would not carry the news of The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal For The Middle East.  We could not believe turning on the news yesterday morning, that He had struck so swiftly, and, so identifiably by causing the death of David Bloom, with an embolism.  Jesus has shown His power swiftly and surely.  He regrets having to do so, but He wanted to show that He could strike when and where He wanted to, even in the worst dead zone on Earth.
The most shocking thing of the incident is that after Jesus explained to Bloom what He intended, Bloom willingly gave his Soul over to Jesus, despite his desperate desire to continue with his family, and, continue his work.  Bloom's greatest regret was that he couldn't submit the story, tell people what was happening!  "Even if I could get it through," he commented, "the bureau wouldn't use it."  But he sent a personal message to his wife and daughters, saying he was sorry he could not come back, but God had said it was time, and He needed him.  "My love for you," Bloom continued, "is forever, and will be forever."  A quite incredible man!
Jesus has promised this is not His last attack on NBC.  "We have been in contact for years,"  Jesus remarks.  "You refuse to carry my messages though you know they are true.  My patience is gone.  The time has come for action!" These are indeed, the most incredible times!  The Son Of God, Himself, is leading the attacks against those who refuse to spread His desires, that will not make His wishes known to the world.  I pity the poor souls that get in His way, I pity the fools!
I have been asked again to remind people what is happening in Iraq, to try to make them understand what is happening to every soul that dies in the spiritual dead zones, and virtually all of Iraq is a spiritual dead zone because of the overlap.  Every soul that dies, sheds its physical form, is trapped in the material realm.  They can't go into the Afterlife, so they do not truly die.  It is a state of limbo, half way between life and death, and they begin to feel the trauma of their death over and over again. They are stuck in what some people would call a causality loop.  They exist in the few moments or minutes of their physical death.
Can you imagine being burned to death over and over again, hour after hour, day after day, of being shot over and over again, of drowning over and over again, of feeling the pain and anguish of death, the separation from your loved ones time and time and time again, of these feelings becoming stronger and stronger as each hour passes?  This is what is happening to each and every person that has lost their lives in the spiritual dead zones that are in Iraq, and, throughout The Middle East.  There is no comfort, there is no relief, until these people are able to continue the natural process of death and enter into The Afterlife, their suffering will grow worse and worse, and worse.  And no one is exempt, man, woman, or, child.  All are trapped.
This is what is happening to every single American service person who has died in the dead zones, and all of this is because President Bush will not accept The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal of a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel, with Israel keeping all the land it now holds including that claimed by The Palestinians and especially Jerusalem, with, The Temple Mount.  Until this is accepted, The Kingdom Of God and The United States will continue to be at war, and The Kingdom Of God will continue to be at war with every nation that opposes Israel.  The dead zones will remain, and those within them will continue to suffer.


The Kingdom Of God wants to be working with The United States, wants peace with The United States, wants The United States to reach its potential.  But They will not sacrifice Their People, sacrifice The Focal Point, sacrifice Their Existence.  It is the struggle of life and death, of existence or non-existence, and the Kingdom Of God intends to survive!

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