November 10, 2,003
Jesus Cries For The Wounded

Not too much new this morning except got a nice response from the Anglicans in Africa.  Some are interested in our proposal of coming to Fargo to separate themselves from the church that their archbishop has sodomized. Let's hope they can put this together!  Muhammed continues his efforts in Iraq.  It appears thirty days may not be enough time, and he has asked that the dead zones be left open another thirty days.  Jesus has said He will consider this and give His answer in a couple of days.

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November 12, 2003
Jesus Pleads Come

The news from The Afterlife this morning a little disappointing.  Jesus has announced that He will not allow the dead zones in Iraq to remain open as Muhammed requested.  They will be reestablished the 16th unless some major positive effort is seen, such as the trial and execution of Baath Party members who were involved in atrocities against children, or, the execution of Hussein by his own people.  If either one of these circumstances were to occur Jesus could leave the dead zones open and continue to give Muhammed a free hand.  But as Muhammed, himself, He wants to see justice done for all the little ones that suffered at the hands of The Baath Party.  That there are those who want amnesty for these foul creatures is beyond both Jesus' and Muhammed's understanding.  Because people are the political rulers of countries, that does not give them the right to rape and murder, and any that say that it does are not of The Kingdom Of God, but creatures of Darkness that will permit any evil to maintain political power.

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November 17, 2,003
Way To Go, Paul!

The dead zones in Iraq are back up and running.  Muhammed has withdrawn for a while, but we really think he did some good with this effort.  He really stirred things up!  The Saudi Arabians and The Turks should be more than willing to go after Al Quaida and The Baath Party members now!  Perhaps in a couple of months Jesus will give Muhammed free reign again, and he can go after the bad guys some more.

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November 19, 2,003
We'll Stand Together With The Lord!

Jesus cannot take energy away from His campaign to save the Anglican Church.  He is still trying to gather them and have them separate from the homosexual church on Christmas Day.  Nor, will he open the New England dead zone.  Instead He asks the people of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York not to shop in Massachusetts during the Christmas season.  He asks the people of Massachusetts not to purchase Christmas gifts during the Christmas season.  He asks them to publicaly state that they are not buying Christmas presents because Christmas has been defiled with homosexuality.  The court's sickness has sodomized their children, and they have nothing to be joyous for.  If the people of Massachusetts can rise up, and the surrounding states, and cut the Christmas sales in Massachusetts by 50% or more, it will send a message to the retailers in Massachusetts that support the homosexual movement, that it is going to hurt them where they will listen the their pocketbooks.  These are desperate times and the people, for the sake of God and, their children, must take firm and drastic action.  This buyers' strike will let the rest of the people in the state know they're not going to support sodomy!

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