February 11, 2,004
Kingdom Of God Rolls On

Also, Linda may be appearing regularly on a radio talk show singing one of John's new songs each week.  Again, not completely definite but something in the works.  The vibes are growing!  The Kingdom Of God's power increases every day.  As a matter of fact so much so, that we have had to shut down another spiritual dead zone.  Madrid, Spain, got the nod.  We're using so much power right now that we haven't had to shut down another power city to compensate.  We're simply using it up, but to keep things in balance a dead zone had to go.

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February 12, 2,004
Desperate Try In Massachusetts

The Kingdom Of God will be giving the Massachusetts legislature all the help it can today.  It will be dropping the spiritual dead zone in New England and flooding the state house chambers with Angelic Messengers, who will be begging the legislators to stand fast, to accept no compromise, not to sodomize God's children by accepting homosexual union.  They will be asking for a complete and total ban on all homosexual relationships.

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February 13, 2,004
Close Call

However, They will be using other agents other than The Angelic Messengers, because the New England dead zone is being reestablished.
The desperation of the pervert movement can be seen in the sick act they committed in San Francisco yesterday;.  Jesus hopes clear and precise action will be taken against these individuals who broke the law of their state.  He says "They should be charged with criminal racketeering because they used state property and state funds to commit an illegal act, a clear and precise violation of the law.  This should be ample charges to remove them from office and imprison them for a considerable period of time."
The Kingdom Of God is celebrating another victory also; that They were able to defeat The UN in Iraq, and that there will be no general elections until after sovereignty is returned to The Iraqi People.  That They are beginning to be able to stop the most powerful political leaders dead in their tracks when They want to, and time and time again keep them from doing what they want to do is encouraging, and perhaps a sign of greater things to come!  We can only pray that this is so!
There was some talk because of what happened in San Francisco, of a new spiritual dead zone being opened there centered in Sacramento, but that idea was dropped because of the possibility of something that might happen next week.

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