An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

13-06-02 AJ

    Having all kinds of problems with our main computer.  Unfortunately Norton's is just about as useless as McAfee.  We have to admit, a little bit better!  But it's obvious the creatures of Darkness are trying to stop our work any damn way they can!  God explains more in His message.

   I am having a serious problem with obedience. Some people are acting like little children and when I say no to something they're going behind my back and having God propose it.  It's not that I really object to some of the things they're asking, I just didn't feel now was a good time to bring them forward.  But obviously I have been overruled!  
    God mentions the Burbank situation.  I don't particularly care if legally they are a separate community or not.  They have a mayor and a city council.  The only thing I'm having a problem with is what to offer them.  Somebody has suggested if they set up a trust fund that we can use to pay for advertising.  That sounds good!  Could always use money for that.  So we'll make the same offer to them that we make to other people.  If the members of their community donate a dollar to such a trust fund we would offer them the English rights to "The Book Of The Nazarene,"  to publish it and make a movie out of it.  Half the proceeds going to a trust fund to pay the salary of their mayor and city council and half going to the courier/protector program.  If we get enough to cover that the rest would go to The Palestinian Homeland Outside Of Israel.  The people from Burbank in The Kingdom Of God have particularly asked for this  Book.  They want to be the ones to bring it to the public.  That would certainly please me.  So the proposal is made.  We want to base my campaign on doing good deeds and helping the tax payers in these cities in California we believe would be good deeds that would be worthy of God's plan.  
   Got a comment the other day that I haven't had a chance to answer.  It went something like "You're a liar and a fool!  You know nothing of The Bible!  I am a man of God who has served Him for many years, and I know His  holy Word.  Nowhere in it does a father put out his son because he is a homosexual.  Your teachings are totally unBiblical and without foundation.  Stop your lying!  You are not of God!  Accept salvation, accept Jesus Christ, and turn from this folly.  God commands it!"  I really wish these people would read The Bible before they start attacking His true teachers, claiming they are religious leaders.  I suggest that this so called man of God read Genesis 9:20 -27.  And then after he realizes the ignorance of the statements he has made, he reread the entire Bible and try to understand what It's saying.  These people that think they know everything and know absolutely nothing are an absolute pain, are destroying the world because they read something, can't accept it, and,  ignore it, claiming it doesn't exist.  As I say, people that know nothing and claim they know everything really disturb me!   
   Here's the links to some of God's recent messages.

 A Servant Of Him
Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621