An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

02-06-02 AJ

    We'll start off this morning with a cute one!  We've been asked why aren't we commenting about the latest international bank executive that's been accused of raping a maid in a New York hotel?  Don't have to!  Everybody else is.  It shows how out of control these people are.  One of this idiot's friends just got caught but he still thinks he can get away with it!  I think it shows what these people think of women, just something for them to use, especially if they're poor.  We don't have to talk about this trash at all. They destroy themselves!  Of course they help us along the way.
    God reveals more of our family relationships today.  He talks about Netanyahu and The Pope, things I don't like to think about, things that have gotten so bad that even things precious to us may be lost and we can't break the dark power that is taking them away from us. Though we're making some damned good strides it still hurts.  Here's the link to God's message.

    Got a complaint that we're trying to play both sides of the fence, making promises to The Arabs, and, to Israel, that we can't support both. Why not?  We have enough to offer that we can glorify Israel and The Arab Nations, give them vast rewards and have plenty left over for other people.  There's virtually nothing we can't do if we get a little cooperation.  If we could get the courier/protectors we'd really rock this world!  We're not only making promises to The Arabs but we're also making promises to The Hindus, to North Korea and, The Chinese!  We have plenty to offer for the few sacrifices that they will be asked to make that aren't really sacrifices.  We have the power!  We are the future!  It's the creatures of Darkness that can't keep their promises, that are killing their people forever, not rewarding them.  
   One of the things that we constantly talk about is the rebellion against The Godden Empire.  One of the greatest things I get a kick out of is when God sings the song about it, "Memorial."  It's a great power raiser.  Here's a link to it

      God makes some prophecy today.  It's actually reconfirming old prophecy, but it's prophecy none the less and it's for Israel.  
     People are asking if we had anything to do with the wiener situation and we didn't.  We're very much  against hacking and if somebody hacked into his site he should have it investigated. 

       Here's a few links to some of God's recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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