FROM MAY, 2,011

May 31-  Speaker Gerald Polley says God asked him to write
a story about the fate of Jason Leen, who published a book of
lies about what happened to John Lennon in The Afterlife.  He also
comments on Buddha, The Dalai Lama, and more

May 30- Speaker Gerald Polley says God is making it known
who everybody everywhere is. Gerald also mentions his online art gallery,
and his current living situation. As usual there's more.

May 29-  Speaker Gerald Polley says it's hard for him to keep
any contacts in Arizona!  He also comments on that it's
common place to us to believe that Michael Jackson is the
reincarnation of an Angel.  

May 28-  Speaker Gerald Polley says God is straining the relationship between
 The Kingdom Of God and his people by letting Michael Jackson come through him
and send a special message to the world and his children.  He talks about more also.

May 27-  Speaker Gerald Polleys says God is giving away more secrets! Also that
John Lennon wants a friend in Los Angeles to be a bishop and help
the human race, and, that it's been a year since the trouble at
the Ellsworth hospital today.

May 26-  Speaker Gerald Polley says God is giving away secrets again!
But actually it's just stuff He hasn't talked about for a while.  He also
answers the age old question "What's so important about Jerusalem?"
and as usual, there's more.

May 25-  Speaker Gerald Polley says he finally got his prostate
biopsy done yesterday, also that he wishes we could get a hold
of the LA Police Department, and ask if they could find a singer to record
 the "Protectors" song to benefit children of fallen police officers & there's more.

May 24-  Speaker Gerald Polley says old noah610 is blustering again
and God answers him.  He has sent that answer to people who noah
claims support him.  He comments on the female
Republican candidate and more.

May 23- Speaker Gerald Polley says today God tells about
some of the things God would like to see His people do, and,
some of the things we've already accomplished.  He also comments
on The Taliban, and that his biopsy is tomorrow.

May 22-
 Speaker Gerald Polley says that God's upsetting
his People again by talking about prophecy, that sometimes
he gets tired of coming back and fixing things all over again
because people won't listen, and more.

May 21
-  Speaker Gerald Polley says in His message today God is
really laying it on the line!  Also, this is not Doomsday!
 Tuesday is the day for his biopsy.  Linda doesn't want his surgery
to be on June 2nd because it's their 39th wedding anniversary.  There's more!

May 20-  Speaker Gerald Polley explains why God is mad,
and why it's impossible for Muhammed to return.
God also sent a special message to Benjamin Netanyahu today
via Fox News reporters. A link to that is in his message.

May 19-  Speaker Gerald Polley says in His message today God is very upset
about homosexuals in California trying to make circumcision illegal,
but He's very pleased there were good emails today.  God also says
 The Asgardians & Hindus are upset with the "Supernatural" tv. series.

May 18-  Speaker Gerald Polley says God talks about the people
 who should be supporting his campaign in his message for the day,
and answers the question "How old is God?"

May 17-  Speaker Gerald Polley says
many won't agree
with God's message today concerning Arn
old Schwarzenegger
announcing he had a baby with a servant.  
He mentions his upcoming biopsy, the national debt and more.

May 16- Speaker Gerald Polley says that God is
really pleased with His recent successes, relays an
important message from JFK, announces Gerald's
letter pages and much more.

May 15-  Speaker Gerald Polley announces
God is reaching out to The Huckabees to help with his campaign,
 also that we're getting a great energy flow
back from CNN and Fox, and there's more.

May 14-
Speaker Gerald Polley says he got a new
song from the spirit of Michael Jackson today.  Also
God would like people receiving our emails help
in getting contacts with the media in Alabama.

May 13-  Speaker Gerald Polley explains God's message
for this day is profound.  Also He's asking everyone he contacts
to do Him an important favor.  Gerald also talks
about Obama's children.  

May 12-  Speaker Gerald Polley says old noah610 is back
and he is running scared for some reason.  
God talks about the situation in Syria and is
warning The Arab People they're in danger.

May 11-  Speaker Gerald Polley explains that God is
very upset about the response to our emails we're getting.
Says that they're almost as bad as the ones
that drove Jesus away, and more.

May 10-
 Speaker Gerald Polley says God doesn't think
The Schwarzeneggers' separation will last,
and He explains why it's so important for us to
get in contact with them.

May 8-  Speaker Linda Polley wrote this day's
email because Gerald wasn't feeling well.  She says
in His message for this day God talks about
Barack Obama's past life and, bin Ladens' and more.

May 7-  Speaker Gerald Polley says God is revealing
age old secrets again, and that what He's suggesting
the American government would never allow.

May 6- Speaker Gerald Polley says God loves the
new music video Linda made of "Obama Killed Osama"
and He gives the You Tube link for it.  There's much more!

May 5- Speaker Gerald Polley says that in His message
for the day God explains about his health problem,
that Obama should be impeached for the murder
of Gadhafi's son and grandchildren, and lots more info.

May 4-
 Speaker Gerald Polley tells hfow when he's
elected President of The United States in 2,012 he will
end the draft forever.  Also, that God is still calling to the people
He wants to help with Gerald's campaign, and He explains why.

May 3- Speaker Gerald Polley says in His message for the day
God gives never before revealed details about
the elimination of bin Laden and the link to Speaker Linda Polley's
 channeled song lyrics "Obama Killed Osama."

May 2- Speaker Gerald Polley explains how because of the
murder of Gadhafi's son and gradchildren The Islamic People
in The Afterlife are mad at their own in the material world,
not Obama, and there's much more.

*  *  *

Click Here To Read Gerald's Messages For June, 2,011.

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