An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

19-05-02 AJ

    God going after California this morning, and everybody else seems very unhappy with Hollywood, though we're trying to move there.  Unfortunately the properties we are interested in keep getting sold before we can raise any money.  But we're sure when we succeed there will be something useful to us.  But God was very pleased with the emails this morning. Here's the link to God's message.

    Having that obnoxious dream again that a judge tries to make me kiss a homosexual in public and my response isn't very pleasant.  After reading God's message this morning I think I know what caused it.  It's hard to believe that people can be so deranged that to promote their sickness, to have what they desire, they try to destroy a religion!  We're not exactly for circumcision. My parents were criticized because they didn't have it done for me, which I don't think any hospital should do.  But I agree with God 100% on this issue!  This is a direct attack on Judaism and we must add it to our efforts.  These perverts must be defeated, another reason for God's march through San Francisco July 4th opposing Obama and his boyfriends.  This insanity must be stopped!  They're trying to take over the world and force everyone to follow their wishes.  The insanity is endless!      Here's the links to some of God's recent messages in case you missed them.

A Servant Of
Him Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 812-1621