An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

20-11-02 AJ

    God comes up with some fantastic ideas!  Here's His letter to the chief of police of Los Angeles!  Whoa!  Though I wrote the letter, it was God's idea.

    I had a few things to say, too, in my regular message.  Rather delighted that one of our enemies has fallen and been rendered virtually powerless.  Here's the link.

   We're still getting people that say God's idea of gathering loans, putting them in the bank and campaigning with the interest just won't work.  We'd never be able to raise enough.  Well, we still want to give it a try.  We'll still probably take some donations. But I'll tell you one thing we won't do.  Even if we're eligible for it, I will not take one penny of federal matching funds!  If any of my staff tries to they will be immediately dismissed.  I will not take one penny from anyone that does not want to support me.  I am totally against federal matching funds and I wish we could be rid of them before the election. But I guarantee you, I will do all in my power to get rid of them before the next one, when I win.  The idea of Obama getting tax dollars is simply disgusting to me, and, to many other people that are forced to contribute to his campaign because of federal matching funds. The idea of politicians controlling the funding of elections is simply unacceptable, it's utter stupidity!  People say "It's the only fair way!"  Stinking male cow waste!  That's stupidity!  It's not the fairest way, it's the unfairest way!  Any candidate that cannot raise the funds to conduct his campaign shouldn't be campaigning.  The current Republican candidates are destroying themselves. Each of them have some good points but then they come out with negative points.  Someone asks "Why don't you ask The Republicans to put you on this budget balancing committee and put forth some of your proposals there?" Well, I'm not an elected official, yet, so I don't think that would be popular. If any of them wanna come and visit, discuss what I would cut, they would be more than welcome.  The bureaucrats wouldn't like it because a lot of them would be on the unemployment rolls. 
    Here's the link to the next part of our new fiction story.

    Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America and, the world! 
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wants To Dwell In
The Holiest Of Los Angeles For A Time

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621