An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

01-10-02 AJ

    God sure wishes He could tap into The Republicans' power before it is too late.  We're again asked if we could get the support would we go independent, form a new party?  It's a possibility.  There's a good chance we could draw enough from The Republicans, and, The Democrats to win.  But it's really not what God wants.  We keep saying it and it's absolutely true.  He has His very best invested in The Republican Party. If we could just get rid of the corruption that is keeping them from joining us!  Many of them think they're supporting popular causes when they're not, when they're only influenced by what we consider some really dangerous fanatics.
    Won't be a regular message today.  God explains in His message to Boehner.  Here's the link.

     Had to laugh reading the article about the guy that was going to blow up the pentagon with model airplanes. It's not really funny, the guy would've probably done some damage, but planes that small could not have carried enough explosive to do any real damage.  If he was lucky he might kill one or two people, which is completely unacceptable but still we don't want those who practice a fun hobby having their toys taken away from them because of a single idiot!  So let's not over react. 

    Here's the links to the video Linda made reading her message to The Israeli Knesset.  She had to split it into two parts because it was too long.

    Where we had a little free time yesterday, John Lennon asked for a little story.  How's this?


     Join The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America and, the world!
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621