May 15, 2,000
Peter On Gun Control

Well, we've been busy this weekend! We've got the Buyers' Strike Against The Civil Union web site up and running. Needs a little work yet, but all the information is there. Now we need everybody's help to spread the word of it. Somehow we have to reach people in Vermont. Lord Peter wants the strike to officially begin June 1st. We should have millions to advertise it, and we don't even have enough to buy a new pair of shoes. We'll be putting the word out on free advertising sites on the internet. But these don't draw much. We need people that care that want to stop what is being done to their children, stop the sell out of mankind. But there just doesn't seem to be anyone that cares. They're too interested in their expensive homes, their expensive cars, and their other toys. They would rather have economic prosperity and let the souls of their children be destroyed. These are certainly strange times. Here's the address of the site. Check it out. Let your listeners know about it. We need their comments. We need their support.

Buyers' Strike Against Civil Union Act Web Site
(This web site no longer exists on Lord Peter's request.)

We're getting good at this web site thing! We now have 8 scattered across the internet.

Spiritist Publications

Spiritist Publications By The Polleys

Speaker Polley's Art Gallery

Speaker Linda Polley's Page
(This Page No Longer Exists As Of May, 2,007.)

Songs From Beyond
(This Site Is No Longer On Line. It Will Be Replaced Soon At A New Location.)
(In the meantime Check out

The Truth Is Here

Heaven's Perfect Political Party Platform

Check 'em out again. Each and every one is packed with things of interest to the public. We are amazed by the nice comments we have gotten about my art gallery! And, about the main web site on Spiritism, and we are constantly asked "Why aren't you better known? Why are you such a well kept secret?" And we answer "It's not because we haven't been trying to tell the world what is going on. We have been telling them for over 25 years. The other day we got some very nice comments about the very first interview we did with Joan Of Arc so many years ago we don't like to think about it. But people still love even the old material. There's just so much of it to enjoy!
Before we conclude I got some comments last night on the million mothers' march from Lord Peter, which I think needs to be shared with you. Lord Peter begins
"I understand these dear womens' feelings, but I must speak out and tell them that they are misguided. They are looking at an object, a thing, and blaming it for their problems, a thing that has no intelligence, no control over what it does, a thing that does not have its own will, but is controlled by the will of others. Guns, weapons, are not the problem in The United States Of America. The problem is the willingness of the people in The United States to let people misuse weapons, and not hold them accountable. Too many times a young person kills and the cry is risen 'Oh! They're too young, they're not responsible. They can't be punished for what they've done. Pardon them. Release them. Let them go out to take another weapon and kill again.'
Unconditional forgiveness without repentance is not the answer to a country's problems. Those that do wrong must be held accountable for what they do. Their actions cannot be excused because of their age, or, the way they were brought up, or if they were abused in their youth. None of these things must be taken into consideration. If a person has no respect for the life of others, if they will destroy life at a whim, they must be either returned to The Lord, for final Judgment, or, kept in a secure place for the rest of their days under supervision, so that they will never again have the opportunity to harm others. This is God's Law, this is God's Way. Though God understands when someone pardons another who has done them grievous wrong, he does not understand when they universally forgive them, and let them go out and do evil again. This can never be accepted by The Ruler Of Heaven no matter how popular it is in human teaching. To The Lord Of Heaven those that release a murderer and let him murder again are as guilty of the second murder as the person who commits it, and are held accountable on The Day Of Judgment for their crime. If their crimes are repetative, if they do this time and time again, God's Judgment is severe.
Think what you are doing, dear ladies. Understand. We respect your love, but you must love with reason. You must love with understanding. You must not let your love destroy the innocent. This is not God's Way. "

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