The situation in The Afterlife over The Spiritual Dead Zones Muhammed has created is becoming very difficult. The people are begging Muhammed to restore some energy to Mecca and Medina because the area of influence has spread so far and become so great they beg Muhammed for relief, at least for the children. But Muhammed holds steadfast. He will not let one drop of energy back into these cities until those that rule them submit to his will and obey Allah's wishes. He is even threatening to shut off the energy to two cities in Southern Iran. The only thing that is holding him back from doing so, is that we are having trouble dispersing the energy we are removing from Mecca and Medina. We need more Islamic people here, in Fargo, to receive the energy and disperse it. Muhammed is working on this, or trying to find more secondary places throughout The United States to receive the energy. It is a very delicate process, as we need to disperse this energy but do it in such a way that we do not disturb The Kingdom Of God's war against The United States.
Some of this energy may temporarily be sent to Islamic communities in South America. But eventually the dispersal systems will be in place, and we will be able to handle much more diversion. When we do Muhammed will be able to attack other places, also removing their spiritual energy.
Below is the letter we have been emailing to newspapers around the world warning people of the danger of traveling to these places. If more of these dead zones are created, more warnings will have to be issued. These are terrible times.
The Kingdom Of God has issued a warning to all world travelers to avoid the Saudi Arabian cities of Mecca, Medina, Jiddah, Ynbu Al Bahr, Rabigh, and the capitol, Riyadh, because Spiritual Dead Zones, where there is virtually no spiritual energy at all, are occurring there, and are very dangerous to travelers, especially travelers with serious diseases such as heart conditions, diabetes, cancer, etc.. People with these diseases could
suffer severe increases in their symptoms if they enter these zones, and could even, under some circumstances, die! Even healthy people traveling through these spiritually dead zones that have virtually no psychokinetic energy could have physical manifestations. These zones are extremely dangerous. No phenomena like this has ever before been seen on earth, and The Kingdom Of God is doing all in Its Power to warn people away from these areas.
The most dangerous areas are around Mecca and Medina. They extend for a hundred miles in all directions from the center of the cities. The other cities mentioned are in these hundred mile areas, and are also affected. The dead zones also go out into The Red Sea, and any ships passing through them could have passengers and crew affected.
The dead zones extend up a mile from the surface, and any aircraft passing over them at a height greater than this would be reasonably safe. There is also a smaller dead zone around the capitol, that only extends out about ten miles from its center, and only goes about a tenth of a mile up. It is not quite as potent as The Dead Zones around Mecca and Medina, but still could be dangerous.
This phenomena is being caused because Muhammed is shutting down all spiritual energy going into this region and transferring it elsewhere. Muhammed is doing this because the Saudi Arabians will not accept The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal for The Middle East, which has been arranged by Father Abraham. To read this Peace Proposal visit
These zones may expand, but it is believed they will not expand much further.
Again, The Kingdom Of God warns all individuals that these areas should be avoided if at all possible! It is believed that epidemics may arise in this area, and spread from there around the world. So travel in this region could be extremely dangerous, even to the healthy.
For a map showing these dead zones, go to;
**The dead zones in The Middle East and around the world did get worse!
Though fortunately they are gone as of October, 2,006, you can click on the link below to read all about them in
The Spiritual Dead Zone Journal!**
This ends The Kingdom Of God's warning.
We are having to do terrible, awful things. The images of The Dark Ones feeding on the babies in their bassinets in the hospitals have shocked the entire Afterlife, and horrified Them! It is difficult for decent Souls to carry on the struggle under these circumstances, when such unspeakable evil must be allowed, to sway those you are opposing. But all understand we have no choice. The Dark One's (Bill Clinton) power must be broken. By whatever means possible we have to cut off those feeding him. The victory MUST be won, because defeat means the extinction of mankind. So no matter the horror we must continue to fight, and remember that it is not we that are doing these things, but the people that refuse to do what is right.
These images are being fed to President and Mrs. Bush constantly. They are being shown the result of the current Mid East Peace Process, and how it will eventually destroy the world. They are being shown The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal, the only thing that will possibly work. We can only pray they listen.
The Islamic people are asking, begging that if their people are being so punished, that dead zones be created in The United States as well. The Forces in charge of these efforts there are seriously considering the proposal. And two cities are being considered as targets; Los Angeles, California, and Orlando, Florida, two places where The Darkness has gathered and perversion is rampant, and where the shutdown of Spiritual energy would be very easy to accomplish. Let us hope the world responds before such action needs to be taken! Why is this being considered? One only has to check the news and see the support Rosie O'Donnell is getting for her perversion, and for the fact that she is raising adopted children and teaching them her sickness. The Islamic people say if the people of The United States encourage such sickness and approve of it, how can they be treated any better than our people are being treated? How do you answer such a question? Is there an answer?