November 5, 2,002
John Lennon Tries Again

The Kingdom Of God going all out again this Election Day.  They're throwing everything They've got at The Democrats.  Two hours before the polls open The Angelic Choir will begin singing a melody of six of John Lennon's new songs over and over again, until the polls close. John Lennon will leave his regular Apostle duties for today and lead The Choir himself.  Absolutely nothing will be broadcast anywhere in The Afterlife except The Choir's singing.  Every available Soul that can be spared in The Afterlife will be chanting the same thing over and over again..the simple phrase "Vote Republican!" Not just Those in The Kingdom Of God, but every available Spirit in the entire Afterlife will be chanting this message, raising this energy, and transmitting it to The Angelic Workers stationed at the polls in The United States.  And They will channel this message to every person entering the polls.  The entire Afterlife will be trying to get everybody in The United States to vote Republican! The only time They will not be chanting is when The Angelic Choir starts singing "Vote Republican!"  then everybody in The Afterlife will sing along until it is done, then return to the chanting.
Here are the addresses to John's songs that The Angelic Choir will be singing to raise energy.  There is audio to "Vote Republican!" If it was played on stations across the country it would help raise the power.

Vote Republican!

Chicago Stinks!

Listen To The Angels On Election Day
(Instead of saying in this song, "We know that Al Gore musn't win,"
They are substituting "We know the Democrats mustn't win.")
(This song is no longer on line. Will be replaced soon at a new location.)

It's Heaven That We're Fighting For
(This song is no longer on line. It will be replaced soon at a new location!)

**As Of October, '06 The Songs below are Featured In Animation Videos By Gerald & Linda Polley. Click on the song titles to view them! These Are .wmv files Best viewed on Windows Media Player.**

We'll Stand Together!

Stand Up!

Don't Make Heaven Mad!

The Kingdom Of God has no delusions It's in a struggle. The Dark Ones are mustering their forces too. They're going to be fighting back.  The Republicans need to watch for voting fraud very closely.  If The Democrats have an opportunity they'll cheat in any way they can, their only goal is to win.  They don't care how they win as long as they win.  They are the servants of Darkness.  They will destroy the world for their political power so they are capable of anything.  But The Kingdom Of God will be fighting today.  They pulled a miracle two years ago, They defeated Gore.  Maybe They can pull some more miracles today and defeat some of his associates.  If they don't they will have given it one hell of a try!

FOOTNOTE: We see The United States has killed six Al Quaida members in Yemen, exactly where we said they would.  We'd like to know if one of these six had that scar on his lip that looked like a fish hook.

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