February 4, 2,003
Columbia Search Party Ready

As the Columbia disaster continues to unfold Those in the Kingdom Of God are doing all in Their power to fulfill Jesus' promise to the astronauts' families that the Souls of Their Loved Ones will be recovered and safely returned to The Afterlife.  It was hoped that the shuttle's debris and the astronauts bodies would carry their souls clear of the Dallas dead zone.  But unfortunately this hope seems to have been in vain.  Searching the area outside of the dead zone where the debris has come down has been completely fruitless.
A team of relatives of the lost astronauts has gathered and volunteered to go into the dead zone, and search for Their Loved Ones.  The Kingdom Of God is hesitant to use Them because once They enter the dead zone They will not be able to leave again until the dead zones are shut down.  They will be trapped there like everybody that dies in them.  So, it has been decided to give the spirits already in the dead zone one more day to see if they can recover the lost.  If not, the relatives of the lost will be sent in.  For anyone to volunteer to go into the living hell of a dead zone shows love and devotion far above anything that could be called normal.
The Experts in The Kingdom Of God have several theories as to how the dead zone destroyed Columbia.  They are waiting to get more information, especially to find out where the majority of the heat tiles came down, rather they came down inside the dead zone, or, out of it.  This one piece of information will give them a pretty good idea of how the shuttle was destroyed.  But our usual contacts at NASA are not being cooperative.  They're angry that The Kingdom Of God did not make the dangers of the dead zone better known.  They say constantly, "You could have prevented this disaster."  If anybody can tell us how, we would be more than glad to follow that procedure in the future.  All our emails are sent to The First Lady and The President each day.  The U.S. Government has known about the Dallas dead zone since June 23, 2,002.  What more can we do?
This has just come in, literally, as we were finishing this email!  My Worker came to me with it.  The partial dead zone that was threatening Chicago has dissipated!  Early this morning it shrunk into itself, and disappeared.  There is now only normal energy in the area where it was.  Its shut down came so suddenly that it took Those trying to close it completely by surprise!  It appears John Lennon's defeat of the dark ones in their attack on Washington, and their attempt to kidnap Jesus has seriously crippled them.  They have expended a tremendous amount of their energy and seem to have very little reserves left.  We're not, in any means, saying they're defeated, but it appears The Forces Of Heaven have given them a major setback!  If we could get just a little support, just a little recognition, The Forces Of Heaven could do a lot more, a lot more.
The latest issue of Voices From Spirit Magazine is now online.  It includes several never before released articles.  Check it out at;


The Spiritual Dead Zone Journal has also been updated accordingly.


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