July 2, 2,008
Why The Power Always Grows



Tuesday God sent his 57th letter to First Lady Laura Bush concerning some incredible and terrifying happenings in The Afterlife. You won't want to miss this one! Here's the link!





The July issue of Voices From Spirit Magazine is now on line, surprisingly, it was right on schedule! Be sure to check it out when you can. There's several articles in there that didn't get in the regular email updtes.





Tuesday we were very busy! Gerald went to work but found out the boss forgot he was coming in and had someone else scheduled. So Gerald had an extra day off to recover. First of all before Gerald found out he didn't have to work God made this video, His 4th Of July Greetings.


http://www.livevideo.com/video/AluraStar/21B30B878B5E49BA98EB9A6982C67DDB/ god-the-father-s-4th-of-july-p.aspx



The other day our friend The Black Nerd, Andre' Meadows at Live Video challenged John Lennon to write a song featuring both him and Pansy Warrior Princess together. John did this and we sent Andre' the lyrics. He loved it and requested a video to go with the song. So, we put this one together for him and Pansy, also, The Black Knight & Squire G Show, "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" and Kevin & Bean at KROQ, Los Angeles, everyone who has helped us by sending us power thorugh the years. It's kind of a best of video using several pictures and animations from our other popular videos, but we hope everyone will like it!


http://www.livevideo.com/video/AluraStar/694C636A42754F1E9F44ED123EF97614/ why-the-power-always-grows.aspx




While Gerald was working on that he was also directing the planned defenses for the upcoming spiritual battle around Ithaca, New York, which is believed will take place the night of July 3rd. There may be skirmishes before then but Everyone is quite sure the main battle will begin some time after dusk in that area the 3rd. Creatures of Darkness are coming from all over the world! They have abandoned their efforts everywhere. The Kingdom Of God was able to expose that Mexican police officers are being trained to torture prisoners without opposition! The demons working against Them have gone north to join the battle in New York. One thing that is concerning Everyone is that the normal spiritual barriers around countries and states within those countries are completely disrupted! Passages have opened up that are allowing the creatures of Darkness to move from country to country uninhibited. They do not have to use planes and ships to carry them through the barriers. Really weird phenomena! But of course it works just as good the other way. The Forces Of Light are free to come and go just as easily! And they are taking advantage of every opportunity.
We wouldn't be surprised to hear after all this is over, that Bin Laden has actually died this time. There is some suggestion that this may be one final all out effort on his part. We certainly hope it finishes him off!


June 3, 2,008
Pray For Your Warriors



Wednesday God sent His 5th letter to Pope Benedict XVI asking if he had anyone to translate his 4th Of July video into Italian. Here's the link.





Some exciting news! It's now official, tonight Thursday, July 3rd, 2,008 we're supposed to be interviewed for the first time on The Richard Syrette Show. We're supposed to be on from 10:30 pm central time until 11:30. Hope everything goes well. You can listen on his site live, and they may have show archives. Here's the link.





Thursday God sent His second letter to the governor of North Dakota and also, North Dakota media asking everybody's prayers all day that The Forces Of Light triumph in the upcoming battle with the creatures of Darkness that night in and around Ithaca, NY. Everyone should read this! It was also sent with a note to The First Lady, Washington D.C. media, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger with a special note from Pancho Villa who will be leading his forces in the battle and to the California media.







Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.
( Albert Einstein )



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