October 21, 2,007
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Gerald keeps emailing! He got 14 senators in Louisiana and 44 representatives. In Maine he got 17 senators and 58 representatives. Of course Maine is Gerald's home state. He recognized many of the names that he was emailing to and wondered if any of them might be relatives of people that he knew. He hopes none of them told their kids their crazy little stories about him!
We have put Gerald's first leaflet on the presidential campaign web site. Here's the link to it!


We've also been busy updating our resume! Check out page 2 at the link below.


Linda was surprised and thrilled to read on line that the legendary rock star Ozzy Osborne will be performing in Fargo, North Dakota, October 29, at The Fargodome, which is located just around the corner from the trailer park where we lived for five years! That's one we would love to see, and so would Those in The Afterlife! Maybe some day Ozzy will be able to hear the song John Lennon wrote for him "I Won't Bite That Bat!" Anybody know anyone that would like to donate three tickets? It's even on a Monday, Gerald's day off! Who knows? Maybe some campaigning could be done in Fargo on the side!
In Saturday's "Here's Jesus!" we feature the question from March, 2,003, "How is the race your mother worked with in the stars opposite from her own?" and the new one in segment 2 is "How can you say another race worships God better than my people on Earth do? Why can't some of my peoples' ways be accepted?" Heavy stuff but well worth a listen!


Gerald continues to dream about this millionaire in California that looks like Santa Clause and says he's the biggest car dealer in the world. Gerald was dreaming that he was dozing in one of those nice reclining chairs that he'd like to have when someone woke him up. "First Speaker," a heavy set man was saying, "We've got it, sir! We've done it! The results from California are coming in!" Gerald nodded. The man stepped aside so Gerald could see a big screen television. A reporter was saying "This is election central for ABC. As you can see by the map the Republicans have swept New England! Every state is blue! If they get California it's over, there's no question of it. There's just nowhere that Obama can pick up enough votes to overcome this landslide! If California goes he's finished! And here's the first results from California. Speaker Gerald Polley 78%! Obama 20%! Others 2%! There's no queston! ABC is predicting The Republicans have taken California! This is going to be a very short night. A lot of people will be going to bed early!" The phone rang. Someone answered it and became very excited, pointed to Gerald. Gerald put on his headset and pressed the button activating his phone. "Speaker Polley!" he remarked. "Greetings, Mr. President!" came a familiar voice, "I want to express my congratulations! And also, my thanks that we kept this a campaign on the issues. You will always, sir, have my respects, and I hope that on many of your projects I can support you. I am, of course, conceeding." "Thank you!" Gerald answered. "And I, too, express my gratitudes that this was such a civil campaign. I will look forward to working with you in the future senator." The connection was broken and Gerald took off the headset. The car dealer came over and said "See? Everybody said we couldn't win, but I knew we could. I told you I'd give you California!" "You certainly did!" Gerald answered as a map of California went blue on the t.v. screen, "You certainly did!" Boy, you talk about wishful dreaming!
It is such a shame that a nobel lauriat such as James Watson is still stuck in the ignorance of the past! That anyone would still make such an ignorant comment that colored people are less intelligent than whites is beyond understanding and of course completely unacceptable! It is a shame that such a great man who has discovered such wondrous things has not yet discovered that we are all equal. No one is superior to anyone else, except, of course those that do good rather than evil, because good is always superior to evil no matter how tempting evil looks or how beneficial it seems, good is always better. And saying that anyone is inferior in any way, that they are less intelligent is completely wrong! Negro scientists have proven again and again that they are just as smart as the whites and sometimes smarter. Genius is no respecter of race. It appears where it will and anyone that says "I am better than this person, I am smarter than this person because my skin is a different shade!", is a deeply troubled individuall! And it is sad to see that such a learned man is such an individual.


I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.
( Thomas Jefferson )

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