November 27- God The Father has decided that He
won't be giving personal messages any more, that from
now on Speaker Gerald Polley will be doing all the
talking. This is purely so He can use the power elsewhere.
We are being so successful He wants Speaker Polley to
handle things himself. Click here for his messages.
November 21- God The Father why He believes His
proposal to the Los Angeles police department is
acceptable, why He would like help from The FBI,
and asks Boehner to support the Occupy protesters.
November 20- God The Father asked His servant
Speaker Gerald Polley to send a special petition to the police
chief of Los Angeles and Speaker Boehner concerning pepper
spray, explaining His ideas to help peaceful protestors.
November 19- God The Father made a special video
message for Speaker Boehner and sent him the link to it,
He once again suggests the protesters support The
Christmas Buyer's Strike, and withdraws His offers to Cain.
November 18- God The Mother sends a special
Decree to the Occupy Wall Street protesters
giving them the gift of some land on another world,
and has Linda send a letter to Boehner about it.
November 17- God The Father talks about the bullets that
were fired at The White House, is asking Boehner for help
with the Occupy protesters, and explains more about
His comments concerning Thanksgiving turkeys.
November 16- God The Father sent a message
to Boehner today that was actually for, strangely
enough, Gov. Jerry Brown of California, and tells
him He thinks he is good for something.
November 15- God The Father wrote to Boehner
again telling him what The Republicans need to do
to save the world and exactly how they can
accomplish this task.
November 13- God The Father wrote to Boehner
today with a message for The Israeli Knesset
about the fact that Obama is trying to start a war
in The Middle East and asks for help with stopping it
November 12- God The Father emailed John Boehner again
today, saying He's very disappointed in a certain
Republican candidate, and talks about the rewards
He is offering for support being real.
November 11- God the Father asks Boehner to forward His message
for today to the good veterans, says that His servant Speaker Gerald Polley
is the candidate of every soldier, sailor and marine, and that
The Republicans should speak out against the unions.
November 9- God The Father wrote a petition to The Israeli Knesset
via his servant Speaker Gerald Polley and to
John Boehner encouraging people to stop laws for
the separation of males and females in Israel.
November 7- God The Father wrote to Boehner today asking him
to help make legislation to have anyone who uses fake email
addresses pretending to be someone else sending harmful spam
to face identity theft & fraud charges when arrested for it.
November 6- God The Father asks Boehner
if he has any Mormon friends He'd like them to send
a message to the Mormon temple in Hollywood for Him
and He's glad the protesters finally got their potties.
November 5- God The Father says He wishes people
would listen to Him, talks about the violence in
Oakland with the Occupy prosters, and
there's more about Mr. Cain.
November 4- God The Father says his servant
Speaker Gerald Polley, is angry because someone
on Craigslist started sending him obscene messages,
and talks about Obama's attacks on The Islamic League.
November 3- God The Father sent another
great email to John Boehner today, tellin' it like it is,
and how He's really hurting His enemies, also asking
The Republicans to stop having anything to do with MSNBC.
To The Polley For President
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