An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
The Voice Of God On Earth
To The World
08-10-10 AJ
Just wanted to keep up tradition and post here before John Lennon’s birthday which means a great deal to God The Father and most in The Afterlife. A Christian friend once told me here that the only thing that disturbed her about my beliefs was that we praised John Lennon more than God. I never thought at the time but I should’ve told her that God The Father praises John Lennon most of all and even gave him the title of God’s Hand because he fought to keep the demons out of Heaven and won more than once. He wears the sash stating this title always and is proud to be of service. I hope he has an awesome birthday over There! And as usual I give thanks for him sticking by me for all these years.
Speaking of the spirit of John Lennon I have channeled a new song by him and put the video of it on You Tube. Those in The Afterlife wanted to express their feelings to those in the material world about the current rioting and unrest going on and hope it inspires peace some how. Here’s the link. Hope you enjoy it and will spread it around. You may want to wear your ear buds or whatever they’re called now.. The audio on my new notebook computer is not very good. I’m so disappointed with that.
Now, as to the political situation in the US, how scary was that that President Trump and The First Lady had the Corona Virus!? Glad he’s better now, but it’s scary he still won’t wear a mask and he had the first debate with Biden and could have infected some of the people there. Everybody is also upset that first thing he got home to The White House he removed his mask in front of the crowd from the balcony. I just don’t know what to think of it all! By the way I didn’t even bother with the Vice Presidential debate. I even forgot about it! For a final note on the subject I heard on the news that someone is trying to legally get the President removed from office! I hope it never happens.
One other thing as Columbo would’ve said on his tv show, I watched the Presidential Debate and was shocked and angered by Vice President Biden’s actions. People complain about how President Trump kept interrupting him but in my book I don’t care who he was he had no right to tell The President Of The United States to shut up, and, more than once too! That was beyond rude and uncalled for. It destroyed the little respect I’ve had for the man altogether.
So many terrible storms and fires going on now! I just don’t know what to make of it. I just hope everybody will stay safe and well. I give thanks also that I live here in Maine where almost no natural disasters happen. Once in a great while there’s a huge blizzard, but that’s about it. And by the time the big hurricanes get up the east coast they don’t amount to anything here. Knock on wood it stays that way!
On a personal note last but not least I’m starting up work on the back issues of Voices From Spirit Magazine for our web site, slow but sure, and of course making music videos again. However the best news of all, I’ll be getting my lower dentures in a few weeks via my insurance! I’ll only have to pay $34 for them! It will be so awesome! Also next week I’m going for my eye exam and reading glasses! I highly recommend Anthem insurance! Also last but not least I now wear an emergency button in case I fall or such. I love it! And it’s one that will work everywhere.
Apologies that it’s been so long since I’ve written here. Lots of stuff going on! Don’t worry as long as I’m here I’ll keep you updated on things in this blog. I’ll never give up! I won’t let the demons win!
ReElect The President! PS. I’ve already voted by mail!
Be sure to check out my blog, The Spiritual Connection, for my recent messages.
A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
430 Water St. Apt. 206
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 479-2473